Fried Zuke, Ham Sams, & some Visitors

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Everything looks delicious!
Now how come you didn't use the air fryer for the zucchini?
Dang brother, you live in a zoo!!!

Thanks Al !!
Don't rub it in---If I had your Air Fryer, I would do Zukes in it, but if I used my small one for that I'd only be able to do 3 slices at a time.
It would have taken 5 or 6 batches to do these.

He's a Bear isn't he why a course he would live in a zoo. :D

Great back yard isn't it.


LOL---I told Mrs Bear she should take my .308 with her when she goes for her daily walk, because a 300 pound Black Bear was spotted right along the route she takes!!!

BTW: I think you're referring to my front yard.

I like this fried green maters! Also jealous of your yard as always Bear!

Thank You Tom!!
Really tough keeping that yard looking decent---Rains Dang near every day for over a month now!!!
And Thanks for the Like.

That one with the spots would make great sammiches! :oops:

Perfect supper you pulled together there BTW!

Thank You Okie!!
There were 6 of those little spotted ones here yesterday, and 3 Mommas!!
And Thanks for the Like.

Great looking sammies bear. makes me want to try that. Zukes are a wonerful veggie to me. Like the yard as well. Nice to see the critters around. We are hunters here also, We usually leave things in the yard alone unless they get into the wifes garden then all hell breaks loose if she sees them lol. Like for sure....
Great looking sammies bear. makes me want to try that. Zukes are a wonerful veggie to me. Like the yard as well. Nice to see the critters around. We are hunters here also, We usually leave things in the yard alone unless they get into the wifes garden then all hell breaks loose if she sees them lol. Like for sure....

Thank You Charlie!!
LOL---That's the way it is here. Yesterday the deer were trimming the wild bushes at the edge of the woods, but were near one of Mrs Bear's gardens, and she kept saying, "Don't you eat my Hostas", "Don't you eat my Hostas".
And right now I have pieces of "Irish Spring" hanging in 5 of my new "Leyland Cypress" trees that We replaced the ones the Deer killed. Don't know if it will work, but I'm trying it.
And Thanks for the Like.

Looks great John!
Our zucchini plants are going crazy this summer so I've had my share of fried ones.

Thank You Dan!!
Yeah, most of the gardens around here have Great Zukes, but their Tomato plants were ruined because it never stops raining around here!!! It's like Monsoons almost every day for the last month or more!!

Send some of that rain my way cool us down a bit! Not to mention the yard could use it here!

You may gladly have all you want!!!
I emptied my Rain gage at least 4 times in the last month, and it holds over 5".

Hey Bear, just a thought, My wife started planting marigolds in the garden and nicotiana plants aroung her shrubs. Apparently the deer do not like them so have been staying away from them.
Hey Bear, just a thought, My wife started planting marigolds in the garden and nicotiana plants aroung her shrubs. Apparently the deer do not like them so have been staying away from them.

Some of those things work I guess but not good enough to be worth it:
The Marigolds are supposed to work on Rabbits, but even though they don't eat them, it doesn't really keep them away.
We tried Human hair on deer, which works, but you have to replace it after each rain, and this year it rains nearly every day. Same thing with the sprays & powders that are supposed to keep Deer away. This Irish Spring is my last try at deterring them. I lost about 12 Leyland Cypress to the Deer, and another 6 to a big freeze a few years ago. They cost me $80 a piece!!
My next step is putting a plastic snow fence around them each year until they're big enough to not be destroyed by future Deerburgers & Venison Dried Beef.

Thank You Richie!!
And Thanks for the Like.

I forgot to mention your visitors I like them better then mine.
I forgot to mention your visitors I like them better then mine.

LOL--I hate them!! Here's another Bear Story---Actually a Bear Jr Story:
A long time ago, when Bear Jr was 15, we had a Skunk come in to the Bird feeder every night & clean up under the feeder. Mrs Bear & Bear Jr thought that was really neat. I told them there would be problems because skunks are not a good thing to have around. They just shrugged it off.
We also had a Rabbit nest under the Weeping Cherry Tree, and one evening we saw that Skunk walk right up to that nest & attack the Babies. Baby Rabbits were actually flying through the air. Bear Jr ran out to scare the skunk away, but it was too late, all the babies were dead. The skunk ran into the woods, and the Mother Rabbit ran after it. We never saw that Rabbit again, and Bear Jr left the dead babies lay, and sat behind the shed for 3 evenings waiting for the skunk to return to the scene of the crime. The skunk finally returned & went right back to the Nest, only to meet up with a #4 Shot from Bear Jr's #10 Gage Browning.

I'd be all over that Bear, very nice meals! Nice visitors, we had a raccoon the other night! is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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