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  • Is Chef Jimmie J still with us or has he passed on? I'm getting the impression from what I read that he is no longer with us. If so, do you know who has taken over Food Safety? Backpacker
    JJ passed away a few months ago. He has passed his knowledge on to many of us. If you have a food safety question, just post it in the food safety section & we will make sure you get the correct info!
    Hi, I am new to low and slow charcoal cooking on a 22 in Weber,is there a necessity to use wood chips , I don't like the real smoky taste and wonder is there some other way to infuse a subtle taste just using charcoal heat brickettes/ beads only
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    Controlling smoke is quite an easy thing to do so you may just want to use less chips or use bigger blocks that will give off less smoke due to them burning longer.
    I just mix in some large chunks with the charcoal & only light about 10-12 briquettes. It's called the minion method. You want to see very light smoke coming out the top vent, sometimes all you will see is heat & just smell the smoke & always leave the top vent open all the way.
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    Hi Al!
    Haven’t been on the forms for a while. Lots of things have happened. As you may recall my wife was sick (cancer) she passed away August 3ed. Then I bought a home in New Port Richey Florida and sold my home in Minnesota. I’m not quite settled yet but I am getting close to doing some serious smoking.
    Sorry to hear about your wife, Randy.
    But it sounds like your getting along OK, especially since your now a Florida boy!! Glad to see you back on here & looking forward to seeing some good looking Q coming out of your new home. Nothing like smelling up the neighborhood with bbq to meet some new friends! Good luck!
    Al- How long will pulled pork last in freezer? I have some from October and I am wondering if its still good to reheat or if I should trash? Thanks
    It will last indefinitely if your freezer is at 10 degrees or lower & the PP is vac packed. When I say indefinitely, I have had some in the freezer for 2 years & when heated in my SV, it tastes like it did when I took it off the smoker. Hope this helps.
    hey there Al , i was wondering if you could tell me how to send a few pictures on here , i thank you advance
    When you say send, do you mean post them in a thread or send them to someone?
    dan the mano
    well i went and smoked a whole bunch of marinated cheese yesterday , and i want to send here from my cell phone .i phone to be exact ..s.. you see im not much of a computer person
    I don't know about using an iPhone to post photo's.
    I post mine from my computer.
    PM @bmudd14474 , and he should be able to walk you through the process. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
    Hey Al, just wanted to say that I found your post about IT/ribs a while back and forgot to bookmark it. Had to dig through google but I found it again. Thanks for passing on your hard won smoker wisdom!
    My pleasure my friend!
    Have you done any pork yet on the Santa Maria? Pork steaks are simply amazing on it.
    No I haven't yet, just one more thing for the ToDo list!
    ! -what kind (type ) of cheese are the better ones ..
    2- i understand that fruit smoke of some type is usually the better for taste
    The only cheese I smoke anymore is Meunster, with apple pellets. Oh and no marinade at all.
    3- do you double smoke any of your cheese and tasted this the other day
    4-do you ever do any marinading of your cheese .. say , fruit wine , or maybe syrup , you see i have ,and well some of this wasn't to bad .. while the other ... well lets just say i have to go back to the drawing board on that one.
    I smoke my cheese for about 4 hours. I put the Amazen tube in the firebox of my Lang & put the cheese on the top rack in the cook chamber. the smoke travels far enough to clean & cool it, so I can eat the cheese right out of the smoker. But it does develop a better flavor the longer it sits. I let it air dry in the fridge overnight then vac pack it.
    hey there i was wondering if i am sending messages properly .. as i have tried to emails... conversations.. about asking some questions to different people. i hope you might be able to help me here . i thank you .

    i do have a fews question here for you though , with regarding smoking cheese
    Looks like you have it figured out!
    I’m new to this but can anybody tell me how long do I smoke a 17lb. Pork shoulder
    At 225 degrees it will take approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours per pound. Are you sure it's that big, cause if you bought it at Sam's or Costco, they come in a 2 pack. Also the time is just an estimate, you need a good meat thermometer, and you probably will want to take the meat to about 203-205 degrees. At that point the bone will slide right out clean & it will be real easy to pull.
    Also use a finishing sauce! Here is one that a lot of us use.
    SoFlaQ’uers finishing sauce
    1 Cup Cider Vinegar
    2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
    1 Teaspoon Tony Chachere's Cajun Seasoning
    1 Teaspoon Course Black Pepper
    1 Teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes

    Warm the Vinegar up enough so that it dissolves the Sugar well. Then add the remaining ingredients.

    Randomly squirt this over warm freshly pulled Pork, then kind of mix it up with gloved hands.

    I am new here and your article on smoking a pork tenderloin in a pan of chicken juice caught my eye. I had a question in regards to something that crossed my mind. Could I smoke the loin in a pan with sauerkraut?
    I PM'd you the answer, and it sounds like a winner to me!
    You can put anything in the pan you want, sometimes we put onions, carrots, celery, & garlic in the pan with the chicken stock.
    short smoke
    short smoke
    I smoke many things in pans and when I do say a pork butt, I like to put a pan underneath it and put the butt on the rack. The pan catches the drippings for some great au jus. But to answer your question I believe you could put anything in the pan with your tenderloin and it would smoke well and cook up nicely.
    Al, I wanted to thank you for your lox recipe. I made it (other than the citrus, too traditional for that) and frankly it was the best lox I’ve had. And like you grew up eating it. I posted some pictures the fish section. Lox was something I’ve wanted to make for years. One friend wouldn’t believe I made it. He was sure I bought it and was trying to pull a fast one.
    Thanks again,
    Thank you Gordon!
    I'm very happy to hear your lox turned out so well for you.
    I have been out of it for a few weeks & just waiting for a little cold weather so I can stock back up & also smoke some cheese, which I'm out of too!
    Hello i would love to post and share my experience . And would love to leran from others. Every time i try to post on my phone it ask me to select members . If i do not select members i can not start new coversation . Do i need to buy a membership does the form work on phone . Help please
    You do not need to select members to browse the forum. That is only for a personal message, they call it a conversation on here. Just go to the top of the page & click on forums, then choose one to view. I would start with "Roll Call" & introduce yourself.
    thnx Al, I looked at Tender Belly, I will give them a try, thnx again. You are the best!!! Price is very manageable,a lot better than $130.00 for a belly
    Al I am looking for some Berkshire pork belly to make some bacon,now in early Sept. prices are sky high.I remember your post on making bacon with Berkshire pork belly,should I wait till BBQ season is over or do you have a secret supplier that you would share bc $130 for a pork belly is out of my range
    hi i want to go and try to make /smoke some hamburger jerky. i would like a good recipe please ,and what kind of temperatures to go for, i believe final internal temp is 165 . you see i make a lot of muscle jerky with no problem using my own recipe,i Have also tried this type of jerky before( hamburger type) with ... not good results ... ( turned out as glorified meat loaf) can you help me please
    Al: Planning on curing a pork loin to make Pea Meal bacon and had a quick ?. The presets in the cure calculator(i.e. salt and sugar) are they the standard for curing pork belly or should I change them for the loin. And because it is a pork loin do I still have to cure it for 2wks. Thanks
    No don't change them for the loin. They will work with any piece of meat. And yes cure it for 2 weeks.
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