Pork Roll...had to try it!

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Smoking Fanatic
Original poster
Dec 23, 2017
Crawford AL
I'll preface this by saying I've never tasted Taylor Pork Roll/Taylor Ham, so I have NO IDEA what it's "supposed" to taste like...but I figured it would be somewhere in the neighborhood of Spam and as I love Spam, why not (don't be offended, Jersey folks...it's the only thing I have to compare it to!)?

Anyway, the recipe I used was from wedlinydomowe.pl forum (but I "think" it's Cougar78's...???).

I didn't smoke it, but chose to cook it in the little ham press I got from Amazon using my SV.

My thoughts...I liked it! It's a bit salty and I "think" it could use a bit more "tang", so I'll tweak another small batch and see what I end up with. I'm also going to order some 3" fibrous casings so I can smoke it.

Anyway, the pics...

Out of the fridge, sliced about 3/16" thick:


Fried 2 slices and slapped on a toasted bun (no Kaiser roll, so burger bun it is!) with a little mustard and cheese (forgot to take a pic of the sammie...sorry!):


Here's the ham press (of course I ditched the thermometer than came with it and used my probe after drilling out the hole in the handle so it would fit):


Thanks for looking!
Nice work. This is the nice thing about rolling your own sausage, tweak it until you like it. Did you use ECA for tang?
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Nice work. This is the nice thing about rolling your own sausage, tweak it until you like it. Did you use ECA for tang?
Yes, I used ECA...I have quite a bit of learning to do before I'm willing to try incubating/fermenting/drying meats.

I "do" want to try it, though...not on indaswamp's level, but some pepperoni and salami would be nice!
You are very industrious!
I am a west coaster so have never had it but it looks great.
Have never seen the ham press either so that is something to chew on!
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Reactions: SherryT
Looks Great from here!!!
The Bear gives it the "Seal of Approval" from near Pork Roll World!!


Thank you, Bear, and to all who've replied! I'm certainly enjoying this (even when some of it turns out not-so-good...at least I learn something!).
You are very industrious!
I am a west coaster so have never had it but it looks great.
Have never seen the ham press either so that is something to chew on!

The ham press is pretty cool IMO...you can't do more than a 2lb batch AND getting the plate (disc at the bottom of the spring) relatively level is a bit finicky due to such a strong spring, but you get the hang of it after a time or two.
Looks delicious, and if you've poked around some, Taylor ham is the main reason I got into sausage making. There's a thread on my first attempt, but I have upped the ECA some since then. I'd have to go look through my notes to see how much I upped it by. I still have some in the freezer from the last batch, but I think I will do the fermented version next time I make it. Just because .......
I'm spoiled, live across the Delaware River from Trenton where it's made. Yours looks like it should with the muslin casing removed.Have had homemade @ Pork Roll Fest with less sodium and prefer it but never tried to make myself. Also had a craft pr at the fest with provolone cheese in it. Another project for another day. Looks great.
I'm spoiled, live across the Delaware River from Trenton where it's made. Yours looks like it should with the muslin casing removed.Have had homemade @ Pork Roll Fest with less sodium and prefer it but never tried to make myself. Also had a craft pr at the fest with provolone cheese in it. Another project for another day. Looks great.
Fairly easy sausage to make, especially if you use ECA to get the tartness, and what I make is close enough to the real deal, that I don't think anyone who has had Taylor ham would know it wasn't the real thing. I use fibrous casings instead of muslin though.
Looks fantastic!! I buy pork roll at the local Amish market. Love it. Bought it after hearing about it on SMF.
SherryT SherryT great job!
I've posted a pretty long post on pork roll at another forum, Meatgistics, but won't post a link due to just reading something from mod not to post other internet links.
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