Smoked Chili Recipes?

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Original poster
Oct 6, 2017
Anyone have any good chili recipes? I have been really wanting to try a smoked chili lately but am not sure where to begin. I've read both smoke the meat first then add it or get a big metal pot and smoke the actual chili low and slow.

Anyone have any good recipes/experiences they would like to share? I am open to any kind of meat chili (brisket, pork, chicken etc) and with or without beans. My family is not picky.

Any ideas would be appreciated!
Smoke your meat then make chili as you usually would. You don't need to completely cook the meat, just get it to ~160°F and let the simmer do the tenderizing. You can certainly put your pot on the smoker for the long simmer if you wish. Not a recipe but I did one a month or so ago : Malcom Reed has a vid on howtobbqright you may want to check out.

Edit: What I don't like about Malcom's vid is IMO he doesn't spend enough time cooking all the veggies and such before the long simmer.
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