Well ladies and gentlemen, we are down to the final two days to get those entries sent in. Chris and I decided on this theme because almost everybody has a ton of leftovers after the holiday and we thought it'd give lots and lots of people an opportunity to participate. Sadly, thus far the participation has been somewhat disappointing. Nowhere near what we had hoped for or expected. There is a lot of time and effort that goes into these events from our sponsors, the admin team, and Chris & I (not so much me this time though) and it's disheartening to see all the effort has not gotten the support we'd anticipated. I've received several entries and there has been some real creativity displayed, but I know there's so much more out there among you good people. Please take a few minutes and create something fun with any leftovers you may still have and send in an entry....make us feel like all the work has been recognized. Show your support for SMF and our sponsors with some participation please. I'd just hate to see our sponsors drop off due to a lack of participation from our members here
Thank you all and have a great weekend,
Thank you all and have a great weekend,