A special gift

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Original poster
Sep 7, 2021
I got a special gift in the mail from tx smoker tx smoker .. And a letter.

Here is what he sent me

I'll be cooking them in dad Weber kettle. Any tips on how I should cook them and what I should cook with them? I'm really excited about doing it I cant wait!
Thank you for sending me themI'm really excited to cook them!

You are more than welcome my young friend. It was an honor. Believe me, your dad and I talked in depth about this before those got sent your way. This will hopefully be a great learning experience for you, from several different standpoints. We have no doubt that you'll create a culinary masterpiece.

RyderD2013 RyderD2013 Robert sent me a meat box as part of our Christmas x-change. I can tell you, that is some of the best beef you will put in your mouth. Looking forward to your cook and pics. I'm sure you will turn out some thing great!
That's a really special gift you received Ryder! Look forward to your cook and the meal you come up with! For your side dishes try to think of some things your family likes but maybe doesn't make very often...always makes a meal seem a little more special that way.

Good luck and have fun with it!
This is absolutely why and what this forum is about. What an absolutely wonderful gift and assignment for the future of what we all love so much. Robert, you are such an asset to this place and your greatest gift is simply "friendship". One can't give much more of themself than that...

Ryder, you've got this!! I'm watching...
Good luck Ryder, have dad make himself a cocktail and a mocktail for you, cook to fam's prefered temp, maybe with some guidance from the old man.

As for sides as someone else said something your family likes but doesnt have often but maybe with your own spin on it.

Good luck sir
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What a very special gift to help our future! You’re going to do great Ryder! Great call on using the Kettle! It’s the best place to start! I recommend going for the basic salt and cracked pepper rub! Let your Pop walk you through a great experience!
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I'm sure you will knock it out of the park, Ryder.
May I suggest twice baked potatoes and sauteed Brussel sprouts for sides. There are many ways to do them and they go really well with a great cut of beef. Just a suggestion.
And by the way, Robert is 'The Man'!
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Ryder.. good luck with the challenge put before you ... for sides... just cook something that you feel comfortable with so you can concentrate more on the steaks ...
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tx smoker tx smoker , that is very cool of you. I can’t wait to see what is made of them.
RyderD2013 RyderD2013 cook whatever you feel comfortable with. I have a feeling you can put a little extra on the steaks and the sides. Might I suggest baked potatoes and asparagus maybe? Just a thought. Either way I can’t wait to see what you do with it.
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What an exciting and Special gift, Robert! Ryder I know you will make a great meal, no pressure though, lol.
We use either Jeff's Texas Rub, or Robert's Beef Rub.
Staying tuned to see how it goes. You'll remember this as you go on your journey.
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That's awesome we know you'll do well Ryder. I feel with a great cut of meat keep the spices fairly simple and let the meat speak for itself but that's me you do you. As for sides maybe a nice fresh salad, twice smoked potatoes with your choice of stuff added maybe cheese, bacon bits, butter, sour cream, or whatever you feel would be good. Or as was said maybe sides everybody in your family likes but doesn't get a lot.
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Robert, Good on you and your help in the learning process for Ryder

Ryder, like others have said , no pressure. make a plan for the steaks ahead . And a couple nice sides .
Prep it all , than have at it . We all make a mistake or 3 , but just roll with it and serve it up. Let the steaks
shine with what you guys like maybe simple salt/cracked pepper/light garlic powder

A nice meal for the family from the heart , nothing better. Good luck

What a fantastic gift to receive Ryder, that Robert really is one fine man! I've been fortunate to have gotten a few steaks from Robert in the past, it's the most flavorful beef you will ever put in your mouth. I've been cooking on a Weber kettle for over 45 years, doesn't get any better than a good steak cooked over red hot coals. Asparagus is one of my favorite sides, I like to do them in the microwave oven while the steak is resting, four minutes on high and they come out perfect every time. Don't worry about mistakes, if you make one you'll still be able to eat it! Go Ryder go, I'll be looking forward to your post! RAY
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