I had some fun helping my youngest son today with his photography skills.
He is a budding photographer with strong interests in sports cars and bikes.
He doesn't currently charge for shoots as he is learning and can't guarantee results, he is honing his skills and building a portfolio.
But he does get some nice tips for his work.
Today he had some crotch rocket jockeys he knows who wanted pics, and who were willing subjects for him to hone his rolling pics skills.
He needed a driver and I was more than happy to oblige, and I had a great time doing it too.
He took several hundred pics and will spend the next week or so selecting the best and editing them, then he'll send them to the recipients.
I chose a few to share with y'all, here they are.
I'll share more after his selection and editing.
This first one, and several like it, are ones I look forward to seeing after some editing is done.
He is a budding photographer with strong interests in sports cars and bikes.
He doesn't currently charge for shoots as he is learning and can't guarantee results, he is honing his skills and building a portfolio.
But he does get some nice tips for his work.
Today he had some crotch rocket jockeys he knows who wanted pics, and who were willing subjects for him to hone his rolling pics skills.
He needed a driver and I was more than happy to oblige, and I had a great time doing it too.
He took several hundred pics and will spend the next week or so selecting the best and editing them, then he'll send them to the recipients.
I chose a few to share with y'all, here they are.
I'll share more after his selection and editing.
This first one, and several like it, are ones I look forward to seeing after some editing is done.