pork shoulder

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  1. radioguy

    Cooking a little pork today

    Hot n fast pork shoulders. Doing 7 butts today. Cooking for a BDay party 60 people and another group of 40. We get the left overs. RG
  2. masssmoke

    Pork shoulder

    Decided to do a pork shoulder yesterday. Didn't take a lot of pictures, but it came out pretty well. I put it on my pellet smoker, it was 8 pounds, took 12 hours with the first hour on the smoke setting and the rest at 250. Unlike in the past, I didn't wrap or do much of anything, just...
  3. P

    Pork shoulder questions

    Wanting to tackle smoking a pork shoulder for the first time on my new OKJ Bronco drum smoker. Assuming my meat is in the 6-7 pound range (I think that's pretty average), what's a good temperature to target for the chamber? I'm thinking 250-260F might be appropriate. And if I'm able to maintain...
  4. A

    Smoker Turned Off Cooking Pork Shoulder

    Hi folks, new here! I had a pprk shoulder going into the 10th hour. Went back inside to wait out thr last couple hours. Smoker was at 250 and pprk temp was 183 when I last saw it. I went outside when time was up and found smoker had an error, fixed the error, fired it back up to finish to temp...
  5. Daba's BBQ

    Decided to Smoke a Pork Shoulder - came out amazing! Check this out.

    Smoked on the Traeger for 8 hours at 225; bumped up to 250 for the last hour. Injected with apple juice, Mad Hunky rub, a good layer of Kosher salt, and coarse ground pepper. I used a smoke tube for the first 5 hours and used a homemade glaze prior to placing in an aluminum pan and covered for...
  6. Daba's BBQ

    Small Pork Shoulder Cook Time Question

    I was in Costco and came across a small, 5 pound pork shoulder with a large fat cap. I'm planning on removing most of the cap. Ballpark on cook time for one this size at 225?
  7. Daba's BBQ

    Can I smoke a pork shoulder the way i smoke a pork butt?

    Can I cook a pork shoulder the same way I cook a pork butt?
  8. K

    Is pork safe to eat being wrapped raw?

    I am trying to do a Hawaiian pulled pork style sandwich. I wrapped the entire raw pork shoulder in banana leaves and put it on the smoker at 200. It’s now been 4 and a half hours roughly and it has reached 145. If I continue on to 170ish will my pork still be safe to eat? Beginner here obviously...
  9. B

    Pulled Pork

    Over the weekend I decided to throw a piece of butt in the ol' smoker. Here's the journey. (This process comes courtesy of @Bearcarver.) Wife bought a 9# shoulder butt from Costco. I cut it down to smaller portions, seasoned them, vac sealed them, then threw them in the freezer. I took this 3#...
  10. M

    Smoked pork shoulder at high altitude

    Hey guys, I recently attempted a 6.75 lb pork shoulder at my house which is around 8,000’ in elevation. Most of the meat I smoke in my char griller offset wood smoker does not exceed 8-10 hours because of the time and effort it takes to maintain a steady temperature. I started my shoulder at...
  11. J

    Food Safety Question: Low and too slow?

    Hey there. Newb to the forum, but I've been smoking for a few years. (mods, please forgive me if this is the wrong location) Have a food safety question that I need help with. Hopefully there's a food safety nerd or two on here. I have a pellet smoker. Ideal temp for generating smoke is...
  12. H

    Time for 2 separate pork picnic shoulders and temp control

    Hey everyone! I’m relatively new to smoking and have had some success with chicken, sausages, a full turkey, and pork tenderloin. I’m looking to make pulled pork and grabbed some pork picnic shoulders and both are around 8-10 pounds. I know they say about an hour a pound at 225-250 but I’m...
  13. R

    Pork Shoulder complete

    So I did a ten hour smoke with Hickory and Cherry. I wanted to mix up my own rub with sweet paprika instead of spicy hungarian paprika. Added a slather of mustard because I always add mustard on my london broils so why not? Then I tried out the Dr Pepper spray friends had mentioned and it gave a...
  14. R

    Pork Shoulder, The Rub, The Mop, and The Recipe

    Hello friends! Been a while since I've posted. I've been searching the forums for advice on pork shoulder. Mostly I've seen Honey Hog this, or apple mop that. I'm a bit more of a concrete thinker when it comes to new cuts of meat and a recipe so I'm wondering if there is a sub forum with tagged...
  15. D

    I need some advice for smoking this big guy

    Hello all, I hope you are well and safe! Crazy times. I ordered a pork shoulder from Snake River Farms. I didn't realize it would be this big (17lbs.) and would be more than just the butt. I have smoked butts on a BGE and am now using an off-set smoker, but never smoked anything this big...
  16. G

    Smoking a pork shoulder while keeping my social distance

    I went to Shop Rite the other day, and they were sold out of Chicken. But they had plenty of pork and beef! So I bought a pork shoulder and am smoking it today while I work out of the house. I put the rub on last night. I am smoking it with applewood, and will bring to IT of 200 degrees.
  17. Kkurtz21

    Oh no! Did I ruin a first football Sunday smoke?

    Hey everyone, been reading this form for a couple months now, have learned quite a bit, and now need some advice! I put a 9.3# rubbed up pork shoulder on my gmg at 11:20pm last light. Woke up 6am to find my smoker had ran out of pellets BUT the shoulder was still 143°. I fired it back up and it...
  18. D

    Brisket and Pork Shoulder on WSM

    Hi all, Newbee here... both in terms of posting here and WSM user! Got a 47cm (18.5") WSM yesterday and seasoned in with a hot clean burn. Planning on cooking a 4KG (8.8lb) packer brisket cut (more flat than point) on top shelf and a 3KG (6.6lb) Pork shoulder on the lower shelf of the WSM...
  19. slimc

    2 pork shoulders, 1 brisket and some wings

    Check out my super cook, 2 pork shoulders, 1 brisket and some wings http://therandomthoughtproject.com/2019/06/bbq-super-cook/
  20. MattWTx

    First pulled pork in a few years!

    This is my first attempt at a pork shoulder in about 3 years. After a decent brisket and ribs this turned out really fantastic! 9lb shoulder, dry run only over night. Smoke at 225 for 11 hours with a mix of post oak and hickory. Spray mop with water only every 2 hours or so. Finish the last hour...