Dutch's "Wicked Baked Beans"

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Paul, I've always drained some of the juices from canned baked beans so they won't be soupy. On time Ma was giving me a hand with the fixins' and she dumped the bean the the ol' colander and then began rinsing the beans with cold water.
GASP!! Worse batch of beans ever-even the beagle hounds turned 'em down.
Dutch....I got to hand it to you buddy....thes beans are friggin AWESOME!!

I am a very picky baked bean consumer.....straight form the can never has cut it for me. These beans are fantastic!

The recipe is super easy. I took your advice of draining the can juices and went from there. I choose to fry the bacon in whole strips then break them up by hand before adding to the mixture.
Also I choose crushed pineapple.....I drained the liquid and added it. I like my beans a bit on the dry/ firm side....you know almost stick to the spoon.

I went with a red bell pepper and 2 Jalps with the dry mustard.

Smoked them for 3 hrs with hickory at 240 with a pork butt.

My wife was very skeptical....I had her sample it when I took it out of the smoker and she LOVED them!

So I just wanted to thank you for sharing this recipe!

It will be a hit later this afternoon with my guests.

The flavor is complex and has everything, smokey, meaty, sweet, spice and just a follow of heat......about perfect in my estimation.


Anyone thinking about these......just do it....you will not be disappointed!
Thanks Dutch! Made your beans this weekend and they were the best I've ever had. Mrs. Chargriller loved them as well. I could not do them on the smoker as I ran outta room with everything else so I threw em in the oven. The japs and pineapple throw everything together real nice!!
I'll put some Qview out tonight, but the beans are on the ECB right now. I had to sample them. They are out of sight! Bit on the sweet side as I left out the pepper and the jalapenos. But I will fix that with some additional dry mustard. Great recipe Dutch! A real winner brother!
I haven't tried these yet, but may next weekend. I always add brown sugar and cubes of a fatty and some onion into my beans then smoke them for an hour or so. My wife loves them! I like the idea of pineapple/mango and some jalapeno to jazz it up.
Next time I am going to smoke a pork shoulder on the top rack, with beans (mostly drained) on the bottom rack. I can't imagine that all that pork juice won't make them awesome.
AJ - that is what I did on Sunday. They were great. I did not drain the beans and did not add the pineapple.

Dutch - Nice recipe. Thank you.
I have a graduation party that has asked me to smoked these beans for the party. The have 300 people coming and asked that I plan for 150 people eating. Does anyone have a guess for how many times I should multiply the recipe by?

They will also have one other side and be serving sub sandwiches.
thks aj, i did just that also. they a little soupy not much. i am about ready to pull butt from smoker and rest it and pull in a cuple hrs. just gonna turn smoker way down and i think will cook down and be just fine. great idea!!!
Cheech, the single batch of beans around my house averages out about 8-9 servings but then the kids like to heap them there beans onto their plates. With someone controlling the serving portions you could get about 12-14 servings out of a single batch.
Hey Dutch. Finally got a chance to try these. Been hearing the good reviews for a year now but never had enough room in my ecb to do them. The wife, my ma, and myself declare the best ever. I'm mad it took me a year to try these. I had my brisket smoking above the beans for added flavor too. Thanks!!
I also tried the beans 1st time memorial day with 5 beercan birds on my CG. I doubled the recipe cause it calls for 1/2 this @ 1/2 that. We downed 1 whole batch with 6 people. The family we had over said they were the best they ever had & I agree. I too am mad it took me over a year to try.
I just made another double batch today with 3 more beercan birds for my parents & my mother loves baked beans & said they were the best she ever had. We added the leftover 1/2 batch from Memorial day to the 2 I smoked today & we only have 3/4 of a batch left with 6 people today. Them buggers go quick. I normally don't care for baked beans but eat the heck out of them myself.

I think they need a new name "Dutches Wicked best ever Beans"
Well put me down as a believer in Dutch's beans! I made them yesterday for a dinner with the neighbors... I did a beer can chicken and the beans, they had a pork tenderloin and ABTs.

The beans were completely polished off by 5 adults and my 3 year old son! They cleaned it out so well that I could have just about put the pan back in the drawer without ever putting any soap to it!!!
I made these for the first time this weekend. There were awesome!!! I asked the family what adjustments they thought I needed to make to the recipe and it was a unanimous "Nothing!" Thanks Dutch!!!!
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