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Gotta say again Al, wonderful masterpiece you've created here. My wife was so against me doing this for thanksgiving and now she is wanting one over our christmas goose! love the pics and thanks for sharing:bravo:
Al, I just got back from several days away for Thanksgiving ( grandpa cooked everything to the letter of the sacred tradition, of course-I'd like to play with it a bit-but no go) with the family. While I'm gone, you go freakin' nuts! I can hardly get my lower jaw off the keyboard!!! That is so incredibly awesome, I'm without words. (Well, almost) I'm not at all surprised that you pulled this incredible culinary masterpiece off. The first indication, as I was reading, that you would "git-er-done", was when you led us to our old friend Yan. If anyone can teach us how to relax chicks, Yan Can! I used to WOK with YAN for many hours back in the day. Wish he could have revealed that technique to me when I was tryin' to loosen up an old flame named Sandra. Never could get her to relax enough. (Sigh) Oh well. Just happened to run into her a couple of decades later in a mall, and that cute little cheerleader with the rather large hooters had become a bedraggled 200 pounder with a passle of snotty nosed, rotten little kids around her. Whew! Was I damn lucky I didn't know that technique way back then.
Second of all, anybody our age, who still has that kind of head of hair and can grow a cute curley pony tail like that, has to have something goin' for him that the rest of us can only dream about. (that's gotta keep Judy twitchen) Remember, Sampson! Don't ever let anybody cut that. We're in envy.
And thirdly, you used Pops masterful brine. You mentioned that the turkey was a bit "hammy". That is so up my alley, that you wouldn't believe. I looked for years on how to get that flavor on a brined turkey, and only discovered it with Pops brine! It's in the cure! DOH!
That my friend, is the recipe as I see it, for the masterpiece that you have created. Oh, did I mention that perhaps a little talent might have been thrown in there for good measure?
Cudoos AL, that is one awsome creation!
Gang, let's not lose this one. It has to become a STICKY!
You sure wowed my daughter and me this morning with this post! we're makin' plans :biggrin: Great to see it become such a run-away hit on the forum! You deserve it on this one, Al!
I've picked up several great tips and tricks from this one: curing the birds first, supporting your creation with the throw-away grate, using the skins to baste the meat, and SMOKED STUFFING BALLS! We can't wait to try that one! I bet it is fantastic on either standard stuffing/dressing and cornbread varieties! Thanksgiving hushpuppies, anyone?????
I've been mulling this over all day, and was thinking about smoke penetration being a problem with something so ginormous; with the cure process taking care of food safety, is it possible to cold smoke the duck and the chicken a bit before assembly to get smoke through the turducken? (I hate to even bring up thoughts of improving on such a great success, but more smoky goodness is always a good thing.) Hopefully, we can get some expert opinions on that idea, as I am only a meat curing rookie.
Looks Fantastic Al! Never would have thought of curing the birds to get through the danger zone. You have given me the confidence to try one of these now. Thank you for the step by step!
Posts like this are what make this site what it is. I am holding my belly just from looking at it. Am sure you stuffed yourself's on that monster. Great Work Al, and thanks for sharing.
Al, great step by step on this... always was interested in trying one of these but no way i was gonna pay what they get for one... The other thing that always stopped me was the food saftey issues which come to mind when working with poultry. The procedure you used including the cure are on point. Needless to say it made my to do scroll! Thanks for sharing your procedure. Have a hunch we are going to see a rage of these. Nice job buddy!!!Thumbs Up E
very nice! JJ already beat me to it, but I was crackin open another while reading this very well put together how-to, and noticed we drink the same beer haha, which wouldn't mean much if it were a bud light or coors, but I don't know anyone else who drinks steel reserve! I hope u cracked that one after you put the knife away! Actually I didnt know what a turducken was before I read this thread. Seems interesting, and I may have to try it once my build is done. Anyways, well done, I wish I could have spent Thanksgiving at your house!