TURDUCKEN is a success - lot's of photo's

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Well, I was always opposed to the idea of a turducken, but, darnit, Al, you've gone and made a convert out of me.

The cure was smart trick to circumnavigate the safety zone issue, which was always my foremost concern.
Very good post Al.Looked like a nice snack for me,Hahahaha. As soon as I finish Peeing out all these rocks, I'm gonna fire up ole Flo and smoke something, even if it's just a fatty.
 My O.S.D. is calling and like an addict , I gotta have it, I must smoke

I see you had a good Thanksgiving and that Turducken got my mouth to watering.
 Nice looking meal and a great post of the assembly.

Have fun and...
First off I must say WOW that is 1 incredible master piece you did there. I can only hope I get my skills to your level. My wife saw this and said you need to open your own restaurant, as you have skills BETTER  then a master chief  in one of them High end big city joints.


take a close look at picture #8  looks like a male turkey and hes more than relaxed!

 that is fantastic looking    you got enough leftover to last the week

i like that plate shot,,,looks like you need just a touch more gravy on there

I had too scroll back up and look, once I did I spotted it right off. TFF 
 Wife was shocked I missed it the first time.
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 WOW !   AL, Ya made it look easy !   I love the nice dark (almost BLACK) Bark !  Looks like a moist succulent  set -a-birds

The stuffing balls ....mmmMMMMMMM  !

You're the man.  I'll never catch up.  WOW, wow and Total Wow.  Your invited guests must have been very special that night.  What a feast!  Outstanding, just by the pictures.
With Thanksgiving few weeks away. Bump this for another look at.
I'm thinking about making a turducken this year.
Sure do miss SmokinAl. Hope he doing good.
Thanks for the bump jrod62.

This is the 2[sup]nd[/sup] time I’ve read this post. I want to try a turducken but I’m too cheap to buy one and I haven’t convinced myself yet that I can easily debone the birds.

It’s on the list
Thanks for the bump jrod62.

This is the 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] time I’ve read this post. I want to try a turducken but I’m too cheap to buy one and I haven’t convinced myself yet that I can easily debone the birds.

It’s on the list
we have a lot of great threads on SMF and Al has alot of great post that he has done over the years.
I wanted to do this since Al posted it. So i'm taking notes and Getting my list together for it.
This is incredible and I'm keeping this one for future reference!

Could we hear about the stuffing recipe & any tips on the gravy? Looks amazing!
I like the idea of using cure #1 to get past the 4 hour rule, but I’m concerned it will make the turducken taste hammy

If the turducken is hammy it would seem to be a waste of time and effort, at least to me

Anyone have any experience with this?
This is awesome and inspiring! I think I'll start with a chicken very soon to learn how to debone and maybe if I can handle that I'll move up to something as incredible as this. This thread just made my day
Great post. That's the best example of a step-by-step deboning a bird I have ever seen.

Only thing that could have made it better was to share in that feast!

Very impressive,

That looks incredible I am going to have to give it a go one of these days I have done turkey n chicken many a time and they turn out wonderful now to bone em all out and do that would be a dream. Before I do it I will have to make a batch of beer so I can have something to sip one while smelling the wonderous aromas
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