Pinwheel'd Pork Loin w/ spinich and feta

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Jun 5, 2009
Portland, OR
Went to Costco and picked up a whole pork loin for $18, cut 2/3 of it into thick chops for later dinners and decided to pinwheel the other third.

Got it all sliced and layed out, rubbed with olive oil, lemon & thym seasoning, and cracked black pepper. Then piled high with spinich and feta.


Rolled it up and used a dozen toothpicks to hold it together and tossed it into the fridge for an hour or so, then got the WSM ready with lump charcoal and hickory.


Once the WSM was up to 250° I tossed it on and got the probe set.


Was running with a dry water pan and let the lid therm ride between 250° & 275°. Here it is about 1 hr. after I put it in. Starting to look good!


Let it go for 2 hrs. till it hit 155° internal temp. Then pulled it to rest for about 15 min.



A little slice of the end to check my handy work.


Served up with some red potato's and caesar salad....... Ooooh Yeah! Nothing but net!


.... and  a little "bear view"....


Dinner was good.... nap time now!
Great Job Johnny !  (Job-Johnny?)

And a perfectly Awesome BearView of my kinda plate, at the end!!!!

I zoomed in, and I think I felt like I was walking around between those roasted reds, working my way toward those beautiful Pork slices!!!

Then I woke up!!!

One Helluva experience!!!

Thanks Johnny,

Looks awesome Johnny! But no bacon wrap?   
Trust me.... it did cross my mind! LOL   But I didn't want to drown out the the lemon thym seasoning.

Great Job Johnny !  (Job-Johnny?)

And a perfectly Awesome BearView of my kinda plate, at the end!!!!

I zoomed in, and I think I felt like I was walking around between those roasted reds, working my way toward those beautiful Pork slices!!!

Then I woke up!!!

One Helluva experience!!!

Thanks Johnny,

I've had dreams like that! Had one about eating a giant marshmallow.... then woke up and my pillow was gone!

Looks mighty moist there Johnny! 
Thanks Meat, it was very moist and tender. I think the steam from the spinich really helps keep it moist on the inside. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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