Ok Florida smokers...

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I'm going to have to work something out, because it's a 6 to 7 hour round trip plus the few hours of work to do. I have a feeling come Tuesday afternoon we'll all know how much we need to prepare (if any) but I don't want to be to far from home.
Well, with the current track, I'm lookin at the western wall on top of me Tuesday midnight. I'm with vlap on this one, not much to worry about, but be ready to worry! Pantry is full, beer fridge is stocked, need Captain Morgan, coke and ice to ride it out. G/L everyone, see ya on chat tuesday night!
Yeah!! They're resceduling my Melbourne trip for next week, now I can relax a bit knowing I won't have to go out of town.
I am solid in the hurricane warning area... Hmmm... stop on way home for beer and water.
Well they are now saying its nearing the Keys and only 60 mph
The forecasts didn't have it a hurricane until after the keys. Then it will be in very warm open water. So far the wind shear is helping as well not allowing it to form up. I see some of the storms around here heading southwest to start moving around the eye. Hopefully Fay won't get organized.
Thats my hope Vlap if it stays closer to the coast and hits sooner then maybe it won't have time to strengthen much
If it follows that track I won't even get outta work early and I would have bought these hurricane supplies for nothing! What will I do with all this beer?

Start the Hurricane drinking game early? Good idea! I will be passed out for the storm!

Hurricane Drinking Game!
* * *

It's pretty easy to get bogged down watching local news and The Weather Channel until the power goes out.

If you know life is going to be miserable for the next week sans cable, electricity or hot water, then the height of the storm is the perfect time to drink your troubles away.

So here are the rules: Get your beverage of choice and sit back and ride out the storm.

If a newscaster uses the words "hunker down," drink.

If you see a satellite image where a storm system is larger than the state, drink.

If you see images of people boarding up buildings or lugging sand bags, drink.

Whenever there's a new advisory from the National Hurricane Center, drink.

Whenever there's an announcement for a shelter that takes pets, drink.

If there's an announcement for a shelter that's full, drink. Drink twice if it's one that took pets.

If you see on TV a correspondent trying to talk into their microphone while nearly blown over by hurricane-force winds, drink. Drink twice if they actually fall over. Drink three times if you can hear them swear – damn counts.

Drink if the TV shows images of storm surge. Drink twice if the surge splashes onto a roof.

If the TV shows a traffic jam with thousands of cars heading in the same directions, drink. Drink twice if you see one car heading in the opposite direction.

Drink if they show images of street-light signals dangling from a wire in the middle of an intersection. Drink twice if you recognize the intersection.

If you can see rain moving sideways, drink – and stop looking out the window.

If you can see rain moving sideways and you're looking out a hole in your roof, drink – and move to a safe place in your home.

If you hear a tree fall, drink.

If a car alarm goes off, drink.

If it's your car alarm, drink the rest of the bottle and do not go outside.

If the power goes out – I mean when the power goes out – drink again.

If you end up playing solitaire, either on the computer or by candlelight, drink.

Put the drink down, and get some sleep.
Well you never know there could be another coming soon. At least so far things are looking better for us tropical storm instead of hurricane
I can relate to that hurricane drinking game... I lived on the beach during the 04 season and can't remember much of any of them.
I was stuck at work for all those darn storms. Had no fun.

There is a doozey leaving the african coast right now that could be our next worry.
I'm lucky, I work in Tampa but have lived in Pinellas/St Pete for years...so whenever there's a chance they will shut down the bridges I either get to stay home from work, or head home well before...
I have shot storms for the newspapers for some years. Having to go out and shoot them....in my truck too, is exciting, but not always fun. Since I am no longer doing that as a job, I can sit home and drink along with vlap. Some other poor soul can handle it.
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