Hey everyone. I had such great success last time I did two butts, so here I am at it again. I have some concerns though. I just pulled them at 198. I wrapped them both at 160. On one, I cut off all the fat, rubbed it down and let it sit over night, and then put it on the smoker with the fat pieces layed over it. I did not, however, cut the fat off the other one. I simply scored it through the fat down to the meat in a checker pattern. Both were cooked to temp. What worries me, is that I got them to approx. 198 in 8 HOURS!!! I don't know what to think about this. I got a PowerPoint slide with a chart illustrating the almost linear progression of the internal temps all the way from 39 through 198. I never hit a plataue. I feel like I did everything exactly like I did last time, so i can't figure out why this took me half the time. Last time each butt was approx. 8.5 lbs. I think. This time, one weighed 7.17lbs. and the other weighed 7.7 lbs.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
Can anyone help me figure this out?