Started out with 34 lbs of whole pork loin. Trimmed to remove as much fat as possible which left me at 29 lbs. Sliced across grain on the slicer and then hand cut into halves or thirds depending on the size. Weighed the meat and marinade and added 1t cure #1 per 5 lbs. Marinaded for roughly 16 hours. Sprinkled a third with red pepper flake to kick up spice. All dehydrated in my new Weston Pro 1200 dehydrator. I can link to the marinade in an older post if anyone wants. Yield was roughly 14.5 lbs. I cannot sure I am keeping the dehydrator. I could not get it to hit the 160F set point even empty and run for close to two hours. Under load of even just 10 lbs of meat it never got above 140. I did preheat to 140 as well. The biggest negative of all is they have no customer service or rech support via phone. After hours I tracked down a number which was customer service that simply referred you to an online form to submit. So far it's been 3 days with no response. For $325 I am not thrilled with all that. It does have a huge capacity with 12 21 x 15 racks and I did get great jerky but just doesn't seem to operate properly. Debating mg on returning to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Anyway here's a shot of some of the finished product.