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I wouldn't get too cocky about how all went so peacefully on this "political discussion". The questions on the census are simple, it happens every 10 years, and no matter which political party is in power, it still happens.

...........And the questions remain almost identical every time. The only question that no longer appear on this years form is " How many slaves do you own" as written by Thomas Jefferson. He wrote the questions for the original.

Have a beer, smoke 'em if you got 'em, fire up the smoker and RELAX!
Meat isn't the only thing I smoke, and even I am not this paranoid!! If you people think that your personal information isn't already obtainable from multiple sources, then you are insane. Every time you swipe that debit card, fill out a form on an internet site, or sign up for a magazine, your information is out there. Every time you file your taxes via efile or Turbo tax, your information is out there. So unless you pay with everything with cash, walk your paperwork to the IRS or never read a magazine, your information is out there.

Jesus people, get over it already. Fill out the form and move on. Its not the end of the world!
And my wife seems to think I have one of them.


LOL---The way they used to say it was, "Smoke 'em if you got 'em. If you don't have one get one from your buddy".
let me tell ya about a friend of mine that lives in the way back woods of Alaska. there he is minding his own business when he looks out the window at a snowmachine in his driveway. now mind you he lives way out in the woods. he answers the door with gun in hand, ready to see who this fool is. well it's the census takers on RENTED snowmachines. talk about a waste of our tax dollars. he only answered "i will only tell you 2 people live here, 1 man 1 woman. now get off my property". the gall of the gov. to intrude on a peaceful evening in winter of Alaska.
I agree they waisted a crapload of cash this time around, maybe they should just include the questions on tax forms, I mean 70% of americans want their taxes done as soon as possible to get the cash, those that owe will wait until the last day but if you were looking at fines and pentalties for not answering or lying on tax forms you would see more of them come back honestly at least.
Our local news did an "in depth" story about how if you spouse or ward/child is in prison don't count them as they will be double counted but if you have someone stay with you from time to time that is otherwise homeless go ahead and count them so they are not missed.
I remember a few weeks ago reading a newspaper article about the census starting in alaska and how much trouble they have to go through to move around in the snow. At the time I mentioned to my wife that it is typical government to rent snow machines instead of counting heads in July.
should have told the census taker that they have about a dozen illeagal mexicans living in their basement....

as for me i will only fill out what i think they need to know
that is very convinicing evidence but ... video or it didnt happen !
gonna need to see the afterbirth too ..
OK, Folks!

Back on topic. The present administration has nothing to do with the census process. It is law that the census must be taken every ten years. Whoever happens to be president at that time is responsible for making it happen no matter how misguided he may appear to be in some folks opinion.

While I must remain neutral I understand some of the frustration here.

I don't talk politics on a food site. I do that in all the organizations that I help lead now. I will say I am a very, very, very unhappy camper with this Administration and it's minions. Enough said. I did receive the census short form and did fill it out. It was rather mundane as things go. However, 10 years ago, they showed up at my door with this digital thesis they wanted to do of me and mine, after I sent in the short doobee. I told them at that time I would only give them the info they needed again for a federally sanctioned census and nothing more. And I did, and closed the door. They showed up at my house no less than 20 times beyond that, telling me I HAD to answer their complete questionnaire, that I was part of a study group and it was my duty, etc. I continued to refuse. They actually finally quit. No repercussions. Of course at that time, I certainly wasn't so distrustful of the governmental motivations as I am now, so standing up for myself was easy and some may say ignorant. But, so be it. If they do come by to follow up for more information, honestly, I will still do the same.
As I feared Politics is working its way into this conversation. The census is not a political discussion. Please keep your opinions about the administration, the congress, the political crazies off this forum. This site will lose members and contributors if the political monster raises it's ugly head.
While the census questions themselves are innocuous enough most people miss what the main priority of the census data is provided for. The data is used for redistricting of states. This will determine how many represeanatives each state is allowed to send to the House of Represenatives. Representation in the House is determined by population. So following every census some states will lose representation while others will gain.

It is the job of the state legislature to redistrict their state into congressional districts based on the census data. Of course it is in the best interest of the party in power to redistrict their state to their advantage to have more representation in the House than the opposistion party.

This is where things get messy and lines get blurred and leads to a process which is known as gerrymandering. Which is illegal but is just another one of those power plays used by political parties to keep the power on their side.

Can or will the Census Bureau play with the numbers before releasing them to state legislatures which will then be manipulated again? Who knows? Being the Census Bureau is for all practical purposes a function of the Federal Government it stands to reason there are most likely some shall we say, massaging of the numbers for certain states to either solidify a certain party or to weaken another.

Somehow for me when I hear Census I think Acorn but thats just me...
The census is very political. By its very definition it is a head count to determine how many politicians represent a given area. Its data is used to determine congressional districts, state districts, and distribution of federal funding for almost everything the federal government does. It doesn't get much more political than that.

As long as everyone keeps it respectful, which everyone has, there is no reason to ban politics from the forum. I can see where it would not be appropriate to turn a clearly non-political thread like 'do you foil your butts' into politics, but the threads that have a political component, I say everything is fair game as long as it is respectful.

I don't have any interest in smoking my own bacon. I don't demand that we get rid of that section of the forum, I just don't read the smoking bacon threads. Likewise, those that don't like threads in the 'general discussion' area that contain politics should simply avoid those threads.

The reason we have quite a few non-food threads is because many of us are friends and this is where we hang out. When we invite our friends over to have a beer by our smoker, we don't ban any topics. Likewise, this is the electronic version of having a beer by the smoker, and all respectful conversation is welcome in my book.
the census was instituted by our founding fathers, it just has changed with the times.

apparently if you dont send it in your costing everyone including yourself more tax money to pay the people to go out to your door and get you to answer the questions.

the point of the letter to tell you your geting a letter, is because they have gotten greater replies with the letter. which then cost less for sending people door to door.(much more than the extra postage)

i would think paying people something for sending it back might boost the response. i will just be filling the thing out the first time.
I just filled out my form, and it took all of about 4 minutes. Wow, am I exhausted! I even gave them my real name and real phone number, so hopefully they will call me in a few days unlike that hussy that took the same information at a bar last weekend and never did. I hope she doesn't steal my identity. Since we were out for my birthday, she knows that too. Oh man, I better join the witness protection program soon.

At least the government paid me when I was part of a lay off. She gave me nothing!

Maybe they can use this as their slogan in 10 years: The census and women at bars...taking people's information for centuries.
I don't freakin believe it. I was just kidding when I said I wonder if they would send a follow up letter. Guess what came in the mail today. A FOLLOW UP LETTER!!!! Are you kidding me???? Nation in debt, people out of work by the millions, utility rates going up and so on and so on and so on, and some elected geniuses have once again figured out a way to scam more money out of the pockets of all of us.

Here's a brief rundown of what they said.
"Dear resident, A few days ago, you should have received a request to participate in the 2010 census. It was sent to your address as part of our effort to conduct the most accurate census possible.

It is important that you respond. If yo have already provided census information, please accept our sincere thanks. There is no need to provide your answers again. If yo have not responded, please provide your information as soon as possible."

The whole point of this rant is to show the waste in Washington. How much did it cost the government, scratch that, I mean the tax payers to send this, not to mention the first one?

Business as usual, the whole lot of them disgust me to no end
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