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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Mar 12, 2009
Thornton, CO
Who here is going to fill it out completely versus just the first block that states how many in the household?

Personally I think it's worth the chance of getting fined 100 bucks for them not to "share" my information with other agencies as stated on their website. They may have made a law that defines the penalties, but the constitution still states all they are allowed to get is a number.. All an identity thief needs is a name and birth date for them to do major damage. Why should I trust that a well known document that is being put in the general mail will not fall into the wrong hands.. Just cant bring myself to do it.

What are your thoughts?

And dont get me started about the millions of dollars and waste of paper the "Pre census letter" cost our economy and enviroment. Who's brilliant idea was it to send a letter telling us to expect another one?????? WTFO????
My thoughts exactly, got a letter last week telling me to expect a letter, what the hell is that all about?
Once again our Government is doing a superb job...

And who do you think pays for all those extra letters? The taxpayers, that's who.
Last census my neighbor would not answer the questions, there for the census person came to my house asking me about my neighbor and his family. Pretty sorry state of affairs when an American citizen puts off his responsibility on to some one else. I do my part.
Yep I for one was very glad to get a letter letting me know that I was going to be getting a letter. I mean how else was I suppose to know the letter was coming????? What a waste of tax payers money.
I haven't seen the questions yet so I can't say what I may or may not fill out.
As for the mail out I actually just say a report that says when they send out those type of reminder things they get about 6% more people who fill out the census form and they say that the cost of mail is much cheaper than sending someone out to try to collect the info. Now I woulda thought they'd wait till after they sent the questionnaire first but what do I know
I dont mind telling them that X amount of folks live at my house and X amount are old enough to vote. That would be my part.. The rest is just dangerous in my opinion.
I wonder if they will send a follow up letter saying thanks for taking time to help America with the latest census LOL.

Oh god I hope some numbnut politician doesn't read this, he may think that's a great idea

As far as filling it out, they get only what the law says I have to tell them.
Now for the questions on the cenus thay say it is for our own good. I'm personally don't think that this group of idiots we have up in washington could run a good humor truck and make enough money to put gas in the stupid truck. I say we should fill it out and there's not anything too personally that thiefs would want anyway.
YELLOW RIVER! When he shows a birth certificate we'll talk! Untill then, YELLOW RIVER!
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What Meat Hunter Said...KMA!

It really irks me when they try to segregate you into some race category...I'll tell you what I am, I'm an American, and there is no pre-qualifier in front of it. I'm also sick and tired of an out of control government that wastes my hard earned money with bone headed moves that anyone with half a thinking brain can tell you is silly. Did you see the assinine commercial that we paid 2.5 million dollars for in the super bowl. I wanted to scream.

Like Meat Hunter Said...KMA!
The census

The letter, signed by Census Bureau Director Robert M. Groves, states (in part):Where in the Constitution does it say the Census should be the basis for wealth redistribution?

The last I heard when communities are entitled to a “fair share” of the labor of others, that is so cia l ism? What is “fair” about that? Further this is an obvious political effort to create the expectation among citizens that they are entitled to a “fair share” they think is owed to them.

There are no “government funds;” there are only the people’s funds, entrusted to our government to spend wisely. The Government shouldn’t be in the business of distributing “fair shares” to anyone. The only way the Gov. can help is by getting out of private enterprise and out of our pockets and everyone will benefit, instead of creating a nation of dependents expecting their "fair share".

I will complete the 10 questions, providing the least helpful answers possible. The fine is real, and in some states can even be applied to each unanswered question or false answer.
I'm really surprised that the letter from Robert M. Groves doesn't say:

“Your response is important. Results from the 2010 Census will be used to help each community get its fair share of government funds FOR THE COMMON GOOD" as that is what is implied. It is another way of saying "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need".
I think that there should be a government agency that should do random searches of every residence in America so that they can find the threats to our people before they can happen. They could just come in your door at any time and make sure that no one is making bombs or selling drugs or stockpiling weapons and that sort of thing.

Wait no better yet..they should just put us all in big camps with high voltage fences, razor wires, guard dogs, and sniper towers. No one gets in or out without government clearance and cavity searches. We would all be safe then. I look so forward to the day when they come and take me and my family to this wonderful place. I am tired of living in fear of being bombed or shot every time I leave the house. So please Uncle Sam, if you are reading this, come shelter us under your loving wing. We need to be protected all of those evil groups who got mad at you for such little things like putting US military bases on their holy lands, and forcing your way of life onto them. Don't they understand that our way of life is the right way?
Why do they not WANT us to police the world. How else is the planet going to be safe from terrorists? I have finally realized that we need to be locked up in order to be truly free.
I remember seeing at lest one commercial during the Super Bowl for the census. Now that got me fired up -- those are the most expensive advertising dollars of all. I still don't understand why the Government sees the need to spend that kind of money to advertise the census.

I do understand the importance of it. But it seems to me that just the "basic" information is all that is needed. That, and a bit more fiscal responsibility.

Just my 2 cents worth (or 1.4 million dollars in government accounting).
I haven't gotten mine yet, so I don't know for sure what questions are on the form, but the 10 below are supposed to be the only ones.
I don't see why #3 is important, but they can find that out any time they want other ways.
I don't have a problem with THESE 10 questions, as long as THESE are the only ones.

According to the 2010 US Census web site there ten questions which will be asked by census takers:

1. How many people were living or staying in this house, apartment or mobile home on April 1, 2010?
2. Were there any additional people staying here on April 1, 2010 that you did not include in question 1?
(It asks to check boxes that apply)
3. Is the home, apartment or mobile home owned with a mortgage, owned paid for free and clear, rented or occupied
without payment of rent?
4. What is your telephone number so they can call you incase you do not understand a question?
5. Provide the first name, middle initial and last name of each person residing here.
6. Is the first person listed in question 5 male or female?
7. What is that person's age and date of birth?
8. Is this person of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish Origin? (specify race by checking boxes that apply)
9. What is this person's race? (specify race by checking boxes that apply)
10. Does this person sometimes live somewhere else? (check boxes that apply)

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