I started this thread before opening the bag. Since then, I've done a smoke with this lump and here's some observations.
1. Fireworks display? No kidding. Practically my own private 4Th of July display. I had to put my AMNS (empty, of course) on top of the chimney to act as a fine screen. Once the lumps settled down, it was a great burn.
2. Lump size. Did my own repacking into smaller plastic buckets w/lids for ease of handling and I gotta say, I think a 5 lb hammer might be a bit small. I'd say there's more then a fair share of medium to large pieces. One piece was about 4 inches in diameter and about 7 inches long. Definitely part of a tree. It's OK, I've got several sledge hammers that will work just fine. That's what a plastic bag and a concrete patio deck are for, aren't they? This stuff will work just fine for me, especially at this price.
3. I read somewhere in my trolls thru the Internet that Lump doesn't carry much odor with it, no matter it's wood type origin. I found this to be true last night. Didn't notice a Mesquite odor at all.
For those that don't know, Cash and Carry is set up to provide small restaurants, cafes and the like with bulk, economical purchases but they also sell to the public which is great for many of us. Maybe you have something similar in your areas but under different names. I've seen it mentioned on several threads about this type of seller. Restaurant supply generally the heading.