Legendary Pitmaster
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Tappecue AirProbe
A while ago I was sent some Air Probes to try out. If you do not know what the airprobes are well let me introduce you to them. They are Bluetooth wireless thermometers. They can be used with just Tappecue’s app and your smart phone or they can be paired with the Tappecue Touch. Now I have the Tappecue Touch that I’ll get a review up on soon.
Initial impression was that it was small and compact but the probe was a bit bigger than I was expecting/wanting but it has to pack a lot into a small space so you have to give a little if you want a wireless thermometer. I also like that the casing that holds the thermometer has a magnetic back so its stores on the fridge and in any space nicely. They also have 4 different colors so you can know which is which.
For my testing I used it just with their app via Bluetooth. The probe itself is charged by the base while its not in use. It has 2 temperature sensors. 1 in the meat side and one in the transmitter side so you can see the temp of your cooking chamber.
For the accuracy I used a calibrated handheld unit for my control. The AirProbe was +/- 1 degree of the calibrated unite that I used so it was very accurate.
For my test I did a turkey in the oven. During the test I found that the oven was reading 30-50 degrees lower than what I had it set too and explained why my mother in law had issues baking at the temps we would tell her to use. So I adjusted the oven temp to get it to where I actually wanted it at so that I got the product I wanted.
Here is the pictures of the turkey and my dinner plate when I was done.
Overall I was really happy with the quality of the product, the accuracy of the produce, and the ease of use of the product. I like how this can be interfaced with the full unit or used independently. 1 thermometer has 2 sensors so not only can you monitor the food but get better control and understanding of your chamber temperatures.
Tappecue is one of the big players in the high end thermometer market and they continue to produce good products. If you want something great for your tool bag of as a gift to give check them out.
A while ago I was sent some Air Probes to try out. If you do not know what the airprobes are well let me introduce you to them. They are Bluetooth wireless thermometers. They can be used with just Tappecue’s app and your smart phone or they can be paired with the Tappecue Touch. Now I have the Tappecue Touch that I’ll get a review up on soon.
Initial impression was that it was small and compact but the probe was a bit bigger than I was expecting/wanting but it has to pack a lot into a small space so you have to give a little if you want a wireless thermometer. I also like that the casing that holds the thermometer has a magnetic back so its stores on the fridge and in any space nicely. They also have 4 different colors so you can know which is which.
For my testing I used it just with their app via Bluetooth. The probe itself is charged by the base while its not in use. It has 2 temperature sensors. 1 in the meat side and one in the transmitter side so you can see the temp of your cooking chamber.
For the accuracy I used a calibrated handheld unit for my control. The AirProbe was +/- 1 degree of the calibrated unite that I used so it was very accurate.
For my test I did a turkey in the oven. During the test I found that the oven was reading 30-50 degrees lower than what I had it set too and explained why my mother in law had issues baking at the temps we would tell her to use. So I adjusted the oven temp to get it to where I actually wanted it at so that I got the product I wanted.
Here is the pictures of the turkey and my dinner plate when I was done.
Overall I was really happy with the quality of the product, the accuracy of the produce, and the ease of use of the product. I like how this can be interfaced with the full unit or used independently. 1 thermometer has 2 sensors so not only can you monitor the food but get better control and understanding of your chamber temperatures.
Tappecue is one of the big players in the high end thermometer market and they continue to produce good products. If you want something great for your tool bag of as a gift to give check them out.