Pop's brine mix.....
1/3 - 1 cup sea salt (depending if you're on a lo-salt diet)
1 cup granulated sugar or Splenda[emoji]174[/emoji]
1 cup brown sugar or Splenda[emoji]174[/emoji] brown sugar mix
1 tbsp cure no. 1 pink salt
Let's do the math.... Generally speaking, 1 gallon of brine with sugar and salt and cure weighs around 10 #'s....
Cure, generally is used at 1 Tbs. for 15#'s of stuff... (3 tsp. = 1 Tbs. )
Soooo, relatively speaking, the 1 gallon mix will give approx. 156 Ppm nitrite if 5#'s of meat is added bringing the total weight to 15#'s....
If 10#'s of meat is added, the effective Ppm nitrite will be 117 Ppm which is adequate, based on what is allowed for pork belly, making bacon..
Since this is an equilibrium brine solution, injecting is recommended and 2 weeks is about the minimum brining time for all the stuff to take place...
Using the weights, you can calculate weights for sugar and salt to achieve your desired content ending up in the meat...
Refrigeration is required for the duration of the brining process....