Perhaps we could start a gallery of pics and info on the various smokers on the market.
Listed by make and model.
Average prices.
Here in Canada our choices are very limited.
Maybe any of the Canadian members that have had luck procuring smokers, could share their experience.
10 years ago, we had to go stateside just to purchase an ECB! Now they are available here.
As of now I'm leaning toward a big block GOSM, however no stores here carry it, so I may pick one up this summer when I go to Oshkosh.
Let me know what you think folks .......
Listed by make and model.
Average prices.
Here in Canada our choices are very limited.
Maybe any of the Canadian members that have had luck procuring smokers, could share their experience.
10 years ago, we had to go stateside just to purchase an ECB! Now they are available here.
As of now I'm leaning toward a big block GOSM, however no stores here carry it, so I may pick one up this summer when I go to Oshkosh.
Let me know what you think folks .......