Oh stop with the end of life crap Bear. Spray some K-Flo Starter Fluid up the old nostrils and restart those Diesel engines. You still got a lot of living to do buddy so get at it.
Richie, sorry to hear of the the terrible news. You can kick its butt though. We are all here on your side.Brother sorry to hear that!! Got the word yesterday from the VA have the big C & was suppose to do an open MRA today LOL
You take care and keep using your new toys
So sorry to hear that Bear. Are you still able to do your indoor cooking (and posting) like you often do?
Dang man its hard to take down the shingle but I too know and understand what you are going through. Not as in such a health bine as you but do have my issues as many of us aged have. Looking for a surgeon to help me now.
Thanks for all your support and help through my time as a SMF member.
Very sorry to hear this John. That's a very kind gesture.
Very sorry to hear this. Paying the smokers forward is a nice thing to do. I'm sure they will find good homes.
Thank you for all your knowledge and sharing. Will we still be hearing from you here?
Best wishes.
I feel like I'm coming in late, but I wanted to add my condolences to your smoker decision. Perhaps you can branch off into baking or non-smoked charcuterie?
Bear..YOU ARE TRULY LOVED-- Stand Tall & Proud. Thank you for your service to this country--Now go do some fantastic "inside" cooks. Charlie
Can't forget the never-ending search for the perfect sandwich(es)- that's a creative outlet for food if there ever was one.Yup---I can still use the Sous Vide Supreme & the Ninja Smart Grill.
So I'm not completely shut down, here.
Geez Bear, Hang in there... Giving up stuff to add years to your life is a good thing... Most of us have done it... I know I'm giving up falling off of flat bed trailers... I did think twice about getting up there.. Should have thought three times...
I hope your health improves....
Very sorry to read this news Bear.
Like many others I have learned a lot from your posts and appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
I'm sorry to hear about your health Bear. I have appreciated all the help you have given me and I have and continue to enjoy reading your posts. Rob
Can't forget the never-ending search for the perfect sandwich(es)- that's a creative outlet for food if there ever was one.
Sorry for the health issues but only you know what is best. You have been a wealth of knowledge to myself and many others on SMF.
A very nice gesture giving away your pride and joys.
Keep on with the other toys and your posting. It gives us great ideas.
Thank you for your Service, it is greatly appreciated by so many.
By the way, you still owe me for my 360
Thank You Rider!!
I'll give you either an MES 40 Gen #1 or Gen #2.5 Free to make up for that 360.
Hello Bear,
Long time no hear! Sorry to hear about your issues.
As always, best to you and the family.
Me too . Still do .Your step by steps are things I referred to very often when I first joined here.
Bear I was close to you on Tuesday evening I came down 476 from rt 80 to Delaware.