Overnight rub - too wet now?

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Original poster
May 9, 2018
I put the rub on a pork butt last night for smoking today. This morning I find quite a lot of juice in the bag; should I dry the butt and/or apply more dry rub before it goes in the smoker? Any advice welcome!
Totally normal. The salt and sugar in the rub pulls out some moisture mixes with the flavors and is partially reabsorbed. When ready to go, pat dripping juices but avoid removing last nights rub. Apply more rub and get smoking...JJ
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What JJ said +1. This is literally what I just experienced with the butt I just put in the MES-30. Re-apply rub and toss her in the smoker.:)
Yes, normal for any meat but I prefer to rest uncovered/unbagged and the bark is much better.
Harry, it’s no big deal.
In the future you should try putting the rub on right before you put it on the grill. In 5 min or so, the rub turns a little wet looking and is set.
I think there are quite a few opinions on how long you should let the rub be on there but just try it right before one. Saves having to put stinky meat in your fridge and having that smell stay in other food.
Not sure that having your rub on there overnight really does anything.
I’d love to hear if others have tried both ways to see if there’s any difference.
I kosher salt large cuts overnight then rub just befor they go on. Ribs get rubbed and sit for a couple hours.
Personally, I haven't found much difference in taste between putting rub on pork the night before, or putting it on just before it goes in the smoker. That goes for any pork; butts, spares, loins, etc.

Beef? I always "lightly" dust beef the night before; usually just SPOG (salt-pepper-onion-garlic) or Montreal Steak Seasoning. When lightly dusted, I don't find any juice at all in the dish the next morning. A heavier application of rub would probably pull juices out.
No harm no foul. You have your answer.

To me it seems I want to get some liquid so the rub or seasoning will stick, and any dried spices can get incorporated, so some "set" is desirable. That doesn't take very long- as in 30 minutes to a couple of hours. You can also use oil, or mustard or whatever. Beyond that you will have to go much longer to get penetration of any seasonings. A good illustration of that would be how long it takes cure to penetrate: 2 days for every 1/4 inch.
Thanks for all the feedback guys; I added some more rub and it looked fine
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