These are the recipes that I use for anything poultry...JJ
Families Favorite Brine
1/2C Kosher Salt
2T Paprika
2T Gran. Garlic
2T Gran. Onion
2T Dry Thyme
2T Black Pepper
1C Vinegar (Any)
1-11/2Gal Cold Water to cover Chix
1/2C Brown Sugar, Optional
1T Red Pepper Flake Optional
Starting Two Days out...
Mix well and Soak the Bird over night or up to 24 Hours.
Remove the Chix, rinse if desired and pat dry with paper towels.
Place in an open container in the refrigerator overnight or up to 24 hours for the Skin to dry.
This will give a crispier skin when Smokng or Roasting...
Bubba Chix Rub
1/2C Raw Sugar
2T Paprika (I use Smoked if I'm just Grilling)
1T Cayenne
1T Gran. Garlic
1T Gran. Onion
1tsp Black Pepper
1tsp Wht Pepper
1tsp Allspice
1tsp Bell's Poultry Seasoning or Thyme
Mix well. You can put directly on the skin or mix with Butter, Oil or Bacon Grease and rub on and under the Skin.
Reduce Cayenne to 1teaspoon if less heat is desired.
This recipe is good also...