My beloved Masterbuilt's bottom rotted out, and while a stack of blocks got me through this year... I knew it was a matter of time before I would have to replace it.
Thankfully I have Smoking Meat Forums to consult... as well as other sites.
As I have no interest is competion smoking.... just being the best I can...Propane is the easiest, fastest, and quickest to clean up afterwards.
There were several smokers that I liked, and had good, to great reviews. I narrowed the field down to chef vault, and smoke hollow.
Both are large enough to lay a full brisket packer, or rib rack, without cutting in two.
I decided onthe Smoke Hollow. As both my birthday, AND Christmas will be here soon... I told my wife what to get. and being the love of my life (and someone who enjoys my cooking) she got on the old interweb, and purchased what I asked for.
The big brown truck of happiness arrived yesterday, and I spent the afternoon assembing the smoker.
Easy directions, and minimal amount of tools. I grabbed the wheel barrow, and hauled the box into the back heavy as the box was.. I didn't want to assemble in the garage, and then haul that sucker to the patio.
I just fired that bad boy up for it's first seasoning session, and am waiting for it to cool down... second seasoning sessione will be this afternoon.... and then, time allowing, I will smoke my first session this week end.
I have my notes from the masterbuilt, so I am a little ahead of the curve, but will watch my temps and times closely for the next dozen sessions.
I ran my maverick to check on temps, and found the door thermometer runs about 25 degrees UNDER the maverick's readings.
Not having any meat in the smoket, I set up both probes to see what the rangesmay be... from the top rack, to the next to bottom rack... a 2 degrees difference. setting the smoker to 300 degrees, I was able to "set it, and forget it. We will see how it does at lower temps.
love getting large packages delivered
box says it all
Assembly process begins
Assembly process ends.... look how tiny the Masterbuilt looks ( still it has been a GREAT unit)
Got the "Thin Blue Smoke" going on....will add some rope sealant to doors to ease the leakage...
Worse spread I had during the seasoning was 2 degrees top to bottom
things calmed down a bit....or??? I rn out of wood.... LOL
I will post again, after I have a chance to smoke something (anything) an yes.... with pictures
Thankfully I have Smoking Meat Forums to consult... as well as other sites.
As I have no interest is competion smoking.... just being the best I can...Propane is the easiest, fastest, and quickest to clean up afterwards.
There were several smokers that I liked, and had good, to great reviews. I narrowed the field down to chef vault, and smoke hollow.
Both are large enough to lay a full brisket packer, or rib rack, without cutting in two.
I decided onthe Smoke Hollow. As both my birthday, AND Christmas will be here soon... I told my wife what to get. and being the love of my life (and someone who enjoys my cooking) she got on the old interweb, and purchased what I asked for.
The big brown truck of happiness arrived yesterday, and I spent the afternoon assembing the smoker.
Easy directions, and minimal amount of tools. I grabbed the wheel barrow, and hauled the box into the back heavy as the box was.. I didn't want to assemble in the garage, and then haul that sucker to the patio.
I just fired that bad boy up for it's first seasoning session, and am waiting for it to cool down... second seasoning sessione will be this afternoon.... and then, time allowing, I will smoke my first session this week end.
I have my notes from the masterbuilt, so I am a little ahead of the curve, but will watch my temps and times closely for the next dozen sessions.
I ran my maverick to check on temps, and found the door thermometer runs about 25 degrees UNDER the maverick's readings.
Not having any meat in the smoket, I set up both probes to see what the rangesmay be... from the top rack, to the next to bottom rack... a 2 degrees difference. setting the smoker to 300 degrees, I was able to "set it, and forget it. We will see how it does at lower temps.
love getting large packages delivered
box says it all
Assembly process begins
Assembly process ends.... look how tiny the Masterbuilt looks ( still it has been a GREAT unit)
Got the "Thin Blue Smoke" going on....will add some rope sealant to doors to ease the leakage...
Worse spread I had during the seasoning was 2 degrees top to bottom
things calmed down a bit....or??? I rn out of wood.... LOL
I will post again, after I have a chance to smoke something (anything) an yes.... with pictures