Mixed white meat smoke - *UPDATED!* (now Qview heavy)

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Master of the Pit
Original poster
OTBS Member
SMF Premier Member
Jun 5, 2009
Portland, OR
Safeway  had a meat sale on so I picked up a 6 lb. pork butt/shoulder and 3 boneless skinless turkey breasts. The turkey breasts are gonna be sliced up for lunch meat and the pork butt is just because I haven't done one in a while.
 I am placing the thread in the pork section cause that is what will go on the smoker first...... but here are the set up picks.

First up are the 3 turkey breasts, from left to right the seasonings are cracked pepper and herb blend, sun dried tomato and herb blend, and last but not least a medateranian herb blend - all purchased at Winco foods in their bulk spice bins.



The pork butt rub is a brown sugar base, allspice, dry jerk rub, garlic powder, onion powder, cayanne powder, and a little bit of cummin powder. It really tasted great with the jerk rub and allspice, can't wait to taste this one!



That's all for now, I tucked them into the fridge around 5:30, got the WSM set up with a full ring of charcoal with apple wood chunks on the bottom and hickory on the top. Plan on lighting it and tossing them on in the early AM.... probably around 5:00 AM. Will update the post later.

An now (as they say in Lake Woebegone) for the rest of the story!

Fired up the WSM at 2:30 AM, and had it up to temp around 3:00 AM


.... added the pork butt and snapped a quick pick before heading to bed for a 4 hr. nap....


Got up around 7:30 AM and added the three turkey breasts around 8:00 AM, only have two probes so pork got one and just started with one in one of the turkey breasts from the get go. I wasn't worried about the breast covering 40°-140° in 4 hrs, they were small enough not to worry about. Also snuck in a picture of the pork butt while I had the smoker open.


Here is everything around 11:30 AM, was 3 1/2 hrs. on the turkey breasts and about 8 1/2 hrs. on the butt..... looking good!


One hour later and the turkey breasts were ready to come out get foiled and left to rest for an hour. Since I wanted them to rest and cool down I did not put them in the towel lined cooler, just double foil and left on the counter top for 1/2 hr. then popped into the fridge for another 1/2 hr.


.... a couple shots of the turkey getting processed and vacuum packed for sandwiches at a later date...... (minus a few sample pieces... have to check quality and all




Moving on to about 2:45, pork butt hit 200° internal, so I pulled it off and wrapped it in foil and tossed it in the cooler for about 3 hrs. while the family and I ran errands. (another Q.C. mark on the bark there... heh-heh)



Got back from errands, unwrapped the pork butt and put the chittlens to work shredding it.... they were actually arguing over who got to shread mored... lol.




Then it was time for a plate of pure goodnes! Kid's went back for 2nds... lol.


Thus ends another fine day of ignoring the WSM and just letting it do its job!
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Looking good. Any more Qview? I need to see if I can find some of those boneless turkey breasts around here. Do they come in those bags or do you put them in there?
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Looks good so far. Now for the smoking.
Looking good. Any more Qview? I need to see if I can find some of those boneless turkey breasts around here. Do they come in those bags or do you put them in there?

 Hey Rob,

     I picked them up at Safeway. They come in the string net bags and unfortunately are aleady injected with a 15% solution..... that is why I didn't brine them. I opted to just give them a good rub down with primarily herbs and very little salt since the injection uses salt.

I have pulled the turkey off and am getting ready to pull the pork butt for resting. Then I have to go run some errands, but should have finished pictures up later.
Man Jonnie that is awesome. Great looking kid pics too,  be very proud dad
That a good looking smoke, Johnny.  I'd take a plate of that anytime.
AWESOME Meat, Johnny!!!!---Keep the Qview coming!!!

Cute little helpers too!!!  

Better check the Portland Child Labor Laws though!   


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