Hi my name is Shawn but everyone calls me Puggz I'm new to smoking and up for an adventure. I'm from Missoula, Montana been doing a lot of looking around this site for info for building an electric smoker and found a lot of answers. What I have is a blanket warmer out of a hospital with a Bradley smoke generator and three 500w Bradley heating elements and using a trager pellet smoker temp control. Sorry to come right out of the shoot with a lot of questions but was wondering about a pid control from Auber Instruments I need one that will give lower temps for doing sausage and fish but nut sure witch one I should get? Any help would be great. I did smoke a Prime Rib, Corned Beef, Pork Shoulder, and a Pork Tenderloin this last weekend and everyone that had some said it was good so that made me feel good was sure it was going to work with all of that at the same time. Thanks again for any help.