CI Seared Peruvian Flank Steak W/Grilled Veggies (W / Pics)

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tx smoker

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Apr 14, 2013
Lago Vista, Texas
In one of the numerous gift exchanges I had the pleasure of being involved with I received some local goodies from my very good friend Joe xray xray His package included something I've never seen here. It is a Peruvian marinade. Joe sang the praises about this stuff and as soon as it got here I just had to open the jar for a taste. WHOA!! It has a deep, rich, smokey, pepper flavor that's almost scary. Not scary from being spicy, just the flavor is so pronounced I was concerned it may totally overpower the flavor of the steak...especially after the debacle I went through to get these cooked. I set them to marinate early afternoon on Tuesday (Christmas eve) figuring 3 hours or so should be plenty. Tracy came home and informed me that she had a late office party / lunch at work and was not hungry. Back into the fridge went the steaks. Well, Wednesday was Christmas so they didn't get cooked. Thursday she met up with a close friend after work for their gift exchange and a cocktail. Friday rolls around and I FINALLY get to cook these things. What started out to be a 3 hour soak turned into a 3 day and 3 hour soak. Now I'm really concerned about the marinade being too flavor-forward but I don't care. I'm not gonna throw these steaks away. Here we go....

Here are the steaks

The marinade. I'm gonna need to find a source for this stuff!!

Steaks lathered up with the marinade

Vac sealed for a three hour journey...or so I thought

3 days and 3 hours later out of the vac seal bag and ready to go on the grill

Some veggies in the grilling wok and getting happy

Small CI griddle over the sear burner running about 900* with some sizzling butter

Toss the steaks on. This isn't gonna take long


Steaks done, in the house, and sliced for serving. I think the lens on my camera is dirty. Pic is not very clear

Money shot with veggies and a beef flavored rice pilaf

Another simple meal that came out absolutely decadent!! I can't say enough good about the flavor of that marinade. It was spectacular and my fears of them marinating too long were totally unfounded. Although the pic isn't very clear, the steaks were perfectly cooked, the veggies done to al dante, and the rice was surprisingly flavorful. My only takeaway is that I didn't get the sear I was looking for on the steaks. Not sure if it was the butter, the marinade, or a combination of the two. It wasn't worth torching the steaks for the sake of the sear so I flipped and pulled them when it seemed the right time to attain that medium rare finish. Need to make a small tweak to the rice next time but it'll be perfect from there. I am honestly giving consideration to ordering 8 of these steaks and putting them in the marinade for several days like these were done then freeze so I'll have them on hand all the time. They were that good and Tracy agreed 100% with my idea. She loved these as much or more than I did. Typically we don't marinate beef except for fajitas but this one has been a game changer. I can't thank Joe enough for sharing this stuff!! I just need to find a source for it in 55 gallon drums :emoji_laughing:

Well....another day of entertaining the Navy guests. Thanks for dropping in and I'll see y'all on the next one
Looks very tasty. I've had that marinade a few times. It is also quite good on chicken and shrimp.
Looks really good Robert!! Glad you liked the marinade, a little goes a long way so the jar can last awhile...but I could always send you more if needed. I don’t think Wegmans ships, but I could be wrong.

I know Tracy doesn’t eat chicken, but like Steve H Steve H said, it’s good on chicken too.

Hopefully soon I can get back on the grill. A healthy meal is needed, I’m cookied out.
Looks Great, Robert!!
Mrs Bear does the shopping around here, so I don't get any Spicy things, unless I order it on line, or put her directly on a trail, with a description.
Nice Job.

Nice work Robert! Give me a tortilla and a plate please!

Edit....Re-read and I think you are right on the marinade softening the “hard” steak sear cause of the extra moisture, but it looks pretty dang yummy as is!
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Looks very tasty. I've had that marinade a few times. It is also quite good on chicken and shrimp.

They do make that statement on the bottle but those are a couple things i'll have to wait until Tracy is gone for me to try. She won't do seafood and can't do chicken. It just makes my bachelor meals that much more appreciated though

When is she going on another business trip??
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Looks really good Robert!! Glad you liked the marinade, a little goes a long way so the jar can last awhile...but I could always send you more if needed. I don’t think Wegmans ships, but I could be wrong.

I know Tracy doesn’t eat chicken, but like Steve H Steve H said, it’s good on chicken too.

Hopefully soon I can get back on the grill. A healthy meal is needed, I’m cookied out.

Thank you again for sharing Joe!! I'm just sorry it took so much longer than anticipated to try the stuff. I feel like I lied to you on Tuesday when I told you I had the steaks marinating and planned to cook them that day. Oh well, you know how plans can get derailed sometimes.

Appreciate the offer to keep me stocked up. hopefully I can find a different way to do it so as not to inconvenience you but I'll accept the offer if necessary :emoji_wink:

Now...put down the cookie, get off your butt, and go out and grill something!! :emoji_astonished:

Stirring the pot a little,
Robert nice job!

Looks great from here.


And tell the girls " thanks for their service" from another squid!

Thank you John and I'll do that!! Courtney was born a girl and has very much stayed that way. No doubt she's female, and a gorgeous young lady at that. Evan on the other hand was not born a girl but at some point in life he decided that was the way to go. At least I don't need to worry about any little Evans running around as grandchildren :emoji_astonished:

Daughter's virtue safe with this friend,
Looks Great, Robert!!
Mrs Bear does the shopping around here, so I don't get any Spicy things, unless I order it on line, or put her directly on a trail, with a description.
Nice Job.

Mucho appreciated Bear!! I'll happily be your mail order company if'n you don't think Mrs. Bear is gonna be able to find what you're looking for. Just let me know sir and I'll do my best to find it and send it your way.

The least I can do,
Nice work Robert! Give me a tortilla and a plate please!

Very much appreciated. Also deeply appreciate the time you took to initiate the dialog earlier. I read, read again, and re-read your PM to see where the differences were between what you shared and what I came up with. Looks like we got it all figured out. You're absolutely right though, final flavor is the key and I did accomplish that.

Once again appreciating SMF members input!!
Very much appreciated. Also deeply appreciate the time you took to initiate the dialog earlier. I read, read again, and re-read your PM to see where the differences were between what you shared and what I came up with. Looks like we got it all figured out. You're absolutely right though, final flavor is the key and I did accomplish that.

Once again appreciating SMF members input!!

Anytime Robert! A lot of fajita cooked meat comes out dry IMO so the fact that yours got that rich color and maintained moisture makes marinated meat as it should be!
that's a great looking meal Robert, i'll have to try that sauce next time i'm around a wegmans. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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