I don't spend much time in this part of the forum, but I do check the new posts regularly.
I am not from the south, but I do like some preparations of catfish, and I like the price sometimes.
I will post below some info about imported catfish, mostly farm raised in foreign countries. From what I know, the catfish growers' lobby has been successful in getting the government to forbid the name of "catfish" to be used on imported "catfish". Money talks.
There is one of many marketing ploys at the counter that really rankles me, though. We have stores in my area labeling imported catfish as "White Roughy". They are obviously currying favor from the positive image of "Orange Roughy" which is a totally different fish. The White Roughy is nothing but Swai or Basa, which are nothing but imported catfish which the importers are not allowed to call catfish. I have seen Basa marketed as Cod which is even more dishonest. Let the buyer beware! (Caveat Emptor)
From Wikipedia for whatever you think that is worth:
Vietnamese catfish cannot be legally marketed as catfish in the US, and is subsequently referred to as swai or basa [sup][23][/sup]
If this information has been posted before I apologize.
Good luck and good smoking!
I am not from the south, but I do like some preparations of catfish, and I like the price sometimes.
I will post below some info about imported catfish, mostly farm raised in foreign countries. From what I know, the catfish growers' lobby has been successful in getting the government to forbid the name of "catfish" to be used on imported "catfish". Money talks.
There is one of many marketing ploys at the counter that really rankles me, though. We have stores in my area labeling imported catfish as "White Roughy". They are obviously currying favor from the positive image of "Orange Roughy" which is a totally different fish. The White Roughy is nothing but Swai or Basa, which are nothing but imported catfish which the importers are not allowed to call catfish. I have seen Basa marketed as Cod which is even more dishonest. Let the buyer beware! (Caveat Emptor)
From Wikipedia for whatever you think that is worth:
Vietnamese catfish cannot be legally marketed as catfish in the US, and is subsequently referred to as swai or basa [sup][23][/sup]
If this information has been posted before I apologize.
Good luck and good smoking!