I have never done ribs in the smoker so... 10# / $15 last friday at Safeway is a good deal... here goes nuttin'.
They were thrown in a big bag and frozen in one lump. Now what? Thaw the whole lump in the fridge and take her from there.
They appeared to be trimmings from what would have been "choice cuts" of ribs. Little stubby sections of ribs and breast bones with flaps aplenty. I guess some of it was pig brisket?
What the hey. Pork is pork and it all eats. The pic on the cover was a little decieving and before I go any farther on this sublect, the pack was very meaty and the meat delicious. I am going to the store to see if thay have any more packs at $1.50/#.
Seasoned the meat and in the refer overnight.
The MES 30 was pretty full. I figured out how to stack the meat using TIG rod.
Worked out well. Ribs stacked and flaps laid out on the top rack.
As the rib temp came up to 150*, the temp in the smoker started
to drop. I think this was due to moisture coming out of the meat. I decided to pull them and baste
and into the roaster pan and the oven.
Looking pretty good after 2 hrs of hickory and 3 hrs of heat @ 225* in the smoker.
Swabbed with KC Masterpiece. The bride is from Kansas City. Go figure.
The meat in the foil boat is "Just Passin Thru's" Char Siu Sauce. Into the roasting pan we go...
Final temp was 191* to get fall off the bone tender meat. It was moist and tender.
Sorry no pics of the tater salad.
10# was too much to do at one time for this small smoker. Another valuable learning experience.
I'm still learnin' so bear with me Bear. I am following your recipe next time.
They were thrown in a big bag and frozen in one lump. Now what? Thaw the whole lump in the fridge and take her from there.
They appeared to be trimmings from what would have been "choice cuts" of ribs. Little stubby sections of ribs and breast bones with flaps aplenty. I guess some of it was pig brisket?
What the hey. Pork is pork and it all eats. The pic on the cover was a little decieving and before I go any farther on this sublect, the pack was very meaty and the meat delicious. I am going to the store to see if thay have any more packs at $1.50/#.
Seasoned the meat and in the refer overnight.
The MES 30 was pretty full. I figured out how to stack the meat using TIG rod.
Worked out well. Ribs stacked and flaps laid out on the top rack.
As the rib temp came up to 150*, the temp in the smoker started
to drop. I think this was due to moisture coming out of the meat. I decided to pull them and baste
and into the roaster pan and the oven.
Looking pretty good after 2 hrs of hickory and 3 hrs of heat @ 225* in the smoker.
Swabbed with KC Masterpiece. The bride is from Kansas City. Go figure.
The meat in the foil boat is "Just Passin Thru's" Char Siu Sauce. Into the roasting pan we go...
Final temp was 191* to get fall off the bone tender meat. It was moist and tender.
Sorry no pics of the tater salad.
10# was too much to do at one time for this small smoker. Another valuable learning experience.
I'm still learnin' so bear with me Bear. I am following your recipe next time.