Once we started grinding our own breakfast sausage Mrs. BD would have nothing more to do with that mushy store bought in the plastic chub sauasage.
In my opinion this is one of the easiest things you can do with one of the best returns on quality of your morning vittles!
I start off making fresh not bought seasoning. I use a derivative of my good friend and local chum Pops recipe.
I’ve cubed up 7 pounds of pork butt along with 1 pound of “economy cuts” which is mostly fat. Total 8 pounds.
These chunks get seasoned with the mixture above and into the freezer for about an hour before we grind.
We take a handful of chunks out and toss then into the grinder to test the seasoning. This is the fun part....
Flavor was awesome. No adjustment needed So.... Let’s get to work!
I use a old cookie cutter of Mrs. BDs to make the patties . These go on a cookie sheet with a spritz of Pam and back into the freezer. Tomorrow we will portion them out and vac seal em.
Enjoy! B
In my opinion this is one of the easiest things you can do with one of the best returns on quality of your morning vittles!
I start off making fresh not bought seasoning. I use a derivative of my good friend and local chum Pops recipe.
- 1/2 cup salt
- 1/2 cup course black pepper
- 1/2 cup sage
- 3 TBLS red pepper Flakes
I’ve cubed up 7 pounds of pork butt along with 1 pound of “economy cuts” which is mostly fat. Total 8 pounds.
These chunks get seasoned with the mixture above and into the freezer for about an hour before we grind.
We take a handful of chunks out and toss then into the grinder to test the seasoning. This is the fun part....
Flavor was awesome. No adjustment needed So.... Let’s get to work!
I use a old cookie cutter of Mrs. BDs to make the patties . These go on a cookie sheet with a spritz of Pam and back into the freezer. Tomorrow we will portion them out and vac seal em.
Enjoy! B