BDSkelly ~ Breakfast Sausage Grind.

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Smoking Guru
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Feb 3, 2013
DFW North Texas
Once we started grinding our own breakfast sausage Mrs. BD would have nothing more to do with that mushy store bought in the plastic chub sauasage.
In my opinion this is one of the easiest things you can do with one of the best returns on quality of your morning vittles!
I start off making fresh not bought seasoning. I use a derivative of my good friend and local chum Pops recipe.
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1/2 cup course black pepper
  • 1/2 cup sage
  • 3 TBLS red pepper Flakes
Use one tablespoon per pound of pork with this season mix. Easy right?

I’ve cubed up 7 pounds of pork butt along with 1 pound of “economy cuts” which is mostly fat. Total 8 pounds.

These chunks get seasoned with the mixture above and into the freezer for about an hour before we grind.

We take a handful of chunks out and toss then into the grinder to test the seasoning. This is the fun part....

Flavor was awesome. No adjustment needed So.... Let’s get to work!


I use a old cookie cutter of Mrs. BDs to make the patties . These go on a cookie sheet with a spritz of Pam and back into the freezer. Tomorrow we will portion them out and vac seal em.

Enjoy! B
Oh My!
That looks Awesome.:)
I could find a couple Eggs to go with them every morning!!


My Bride landed herself a KitchenAid P600 mixer for mothers day. The meat grinder attachment was the first thing she wanted to order!

I can see this recipe in our future.

Great write up B! Like!


My Bride landed herself a KitchenAid P600 mixer for mothers day. The meat grinder attachment was the first thing she wanted to order!

I can see this recipe in our future.

Great write up B! Like!

Patrick.... Thank you for the kind words, BUT once you do this you won’t go back. You have been warned. LOL b
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B , I have to agree on your thoughts about most bang for ur buck and easy . I grind my own , but use a mix from sausage maker . Well 2 ,, Hot pork sausage , and breakfast sausage . Makes the best sausage gravy , AND fantastic in a hog casing on a bun . When it runs out , gonna try Pop's recipe .
Thanks for the post ,, nice job on the sausage .
Breakfast sausage aint just for Breakfast, Love me sausage, fried taters, eggs biscuits and gravy any time..or a thick sliced bread sausage, tomato cheese mayo samich and French fries....nicely done sir
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B , I have to agree on your thoughts about most bang for ur buck and easy . I grind my own , but use a mix from sausage maker . Well 2 ,, Hot pork sausage , and breakfast sausage . Makes the best sausage gravy , AND fantastic in a hog casing on a bun . When it runs out , gonna try Pop's recipe .
Thanks for the post ,, nice job on the sausage .
I highly recommend Pops. But us Texas folk stick together. Now the Sausage Maker is pretty good stuff for off the shelf. I used the medium hot for some wild piggy sausage a few months ago. Turned out just fine. But for eye appeal the SM season is ground so fine you don’t see the flakes of sage and red pepper. Tasted great though. B
That's my kind of sausage, casings. Looks like it couldn't be easier to make and sounds delicious. I'm going to make up a batch of those. Unfortunately, my meat grinder makes yours look King Kong big. Oh well. Just take me a bit more time.
B , I have to agree on your thoughts about most bang for ur buck and easy . I grind my own , but use a mix from sausage maker . Well 2 ,, Hot pork sausage , and breakfast sausage . Makes the best sausage gravy , AND fantastic in a hog casing on a bun . When it runs out , gonna try Pop's recipe .
Thanks for the post ,, nice job on the sausage .
Yes sir Chop. Easy to do but the product is so much better! B
Breakfast sausage aint just for Breakfast, Love me sausage, fried taters, eggs biscuits and gravy any time..or a thick sliced bread sausage, tomato cheese mayo samich and French fries....nicely done sir
Yes sir. We have eggs and sausage for dinner lots of times. B
That's my kind of sausage, casings. Looks like it couldn't be easier to make and sounds delicious. I'm going to make up a batch of those. Unfortunately, my meat grinder makes yours look King Kong big. Oh well. Just take me a bit more time.
Its not the size of the grinder that counts my friend. It is what comes out of it that matters! LOL
I do hope you try this simple one Gary. Let me know what you think of it. B
PS I’d up the sage just a pinch. But Mrs. BD likes this recipe. And well... you know how that goes! B
That looks awesome B. I can vision that on a hoagie roll with some fried peppers and onions, or on a english muffin topped with an over easy egg and smoked cheddar. Ummm Ummmm.

Point for sure.

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My Bride landed herself a KitchenAid P600 mixer for mothers day. The meat grinder attachment was the first thing she wanted to order!

I can see this recipe in our future.

Great write up B! Like!


just my 2 cents here, save your $40 or $50 that you were going to spend on the grinder attachment and use it to buy a decent smaller grinder. I went against many who told me not to waste my money and listened to the few who said it would be fine, I did one batch ( with all the tricks) and decided to turn around and buy a real grinder. We decided to go all in and bought a 1hp commercial grinder from cabelas, but for small batches I think those LEM models that sell for around $100 or so get great reviews. I dont think you will regret upscaling for this purchase.

about 2 years after I bought the real grinder i wondered if I had been to hasty so I dug the other one back our and tried to grind a few pounds for some quick bfast sausage... I pushed it through, but it was the last time I will struggle with that thing for meat again. I kept it in case I came across something in the future that is less of a challenge, but most likely it will get thrown out in the future.
Nice job Brian!
That is one thing we just never run out of, it's just too darn easy to make!
Thank you Al. We typically don’t run out as well. But this time we were caught by surprise.
I also need to watch for chucks to go on sale. I’m down to only 2 packs of burger. B
Every time I try to improve on Pop's recipe, when I fry some and I kick myself again.....LOL

You know how easy it is to grind right into the chub bags? Cut off what you want and ziploc.

Ya know that's a pretty good looking knife ya got there. Sharp?

I forgot...LOL Your sausage looks great. Ya need a buttermilk biscuit and a cup of coffee.
Ya know that's a pretty good looking knife ya got there. Sharp?

I forgot...LOL Your sausage looks great. Ya need a buttermilk biscuit and a cup of coffee.
Thank you Kev. And yes. It’s very sharp. Why ya askin?
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