Hi Guys,
Thanks for all the messages and the help. You guys always add value and insight to my cooks.
As some of you may know from my previous posts, i'm about 10 smokes in with some epic fails, and more recently some really exceptional BBQ.
I'm still on the basics though in terms of knowledge and equipment.
If you don't have a bunch of people to feed. Consider cutting into 2 or 3 Roasts or some nice Chops and a Roast. Either way, I would cook the meat to an IT of 135/140°F tops...JJ
Thanks for that, i'll aim a little lower then. I like my port a little rosy and juicy. I guess at 135f in the centre, the edges would be more 150/160f.
What do you think in terms of time for this mammoth? To get to 135f at an average of 250f cook temp - 2.5 to 3.0 hours?
I'm all in for a dry brine, immersion brine or injectable apple juice brine, and maybe some kind of mop. Even Wish-Bone Italian gives some great flavor.
JJ has a good point about cutting it down. 2-bone chops are really good and present well. PS what are your plans with the Skilsaw?
Funny story, we're fully locked down here - 4 days indoor, no delivery's, no nothing. Basically, i didn't really prepare for this, but since i'm fully locked down and on holiday, i'm gonna go for it.
I did have an idea to wet brine it in apple juice, salt, pepper and brown sugar. But i don't have those bits.
I'll have to dry brine it - salt and pepper. Then maybe before the cook, i'll make a garlic olive oil, give the fella a good baste and add another good sprinkle of pepper and maybe a bit of paprika for colour.
:-) The Skilsaw --- Circular Saw as i call it. I'm quite ill equipped, this is all i had to cut it. I cut the piece into 2/3 and a 1/3 piece
I'll use the 2/3 for the cook, which i hope to feed 4 people, with leftovers for lunch.
Running the Hyper Cheap offset is such a challenge, I want to be eating at least 2 meals from it.
FYI - The Skilsaw with the wood blade on it, went through the meat perfectly. Only issue was cleaning the saw afterwards. It was a massacre.