I'll make this short, because it's almost a rerun, but this time I threw a few chips in a foil packet.
These things are Great !
I love that chimney---Anybody need a 2 year old half bottle of lighter fluid?
LOL---I threw a slice of "Bear Loaf" on there too---It was great, and kept me from picking at the steaks!
Oh Yeah---That's about it !
Nice Medium Rare---Zoom in for a better look:
Try zooming in on this "BearView" of my Din-Din!
Thanks for looking---I love ya all !
These things are Great !
I love that chimney---Anybody need a 2 year old half bottle of lighter fluid?
LOL---I threw a slice of "Bear Loaf" on there too---It was great, and kept me from picking at the steaks!
Oh Yeah---That's about it !
Nice Medium Rare---Zoom in for a better look:
Try zooming in on this "BearView" of my Din-Din!
Thanks for looking---I love ya all !