Sorry to hear Steve, but see you next year brother!
Keith - i'll bring a years past you asked us to cut them up ahead of time, not this time?
Ok everyone....the time is here! This weekend is the gathering.
Some items i do not think we have discussed like we did in prior years.
- In the past we've had people take charge of making breakfast and others donated supplies/food. With a smaller group and some people staying in hotels or day-tripping i think it's safe to say everyone is on their own for breakfast foods...of course sharing and whatnot is always welcomed. I'm not a big breakfast person so doesnt really affect me.
- Eating utensils/plate/paperware - normally we all pitch in and bring these supplies. We have not discussed this yet. I'll bring alot of plastic utensils which should be enough for the entire group. I can also run to Sam's Club and get cups and plates unless someone else has alot to bring and share?
- For anyone that might be new and just a reminder for all...there arent really "planned meals" per say. Some people make their own meals, some people make and share, we all snack all day so it'll be the same this year.
- The only "planned meal" will be Saturday evening, potluck style! IF anyone wants to mention what they might make/bring you can let us know so others can plan accordingly.
Let me know if i'm missing anything. If you have any fun games you'd like to bring and play as a group, please do so! In the past we've had cornhole/bagtoss, frisbee games, ring toss and more!
Anyone who wants to participate in the random gift raffle, please bring a gift of $20 or less in value. This is optional to participate. i'm bringing raffle tickets :)
Anything else we need to shore up before the weekend? I'll be heading down Friday morning and not bringing my trailer smoker this year. I'll have my Sweet Smoke Q barrell. I'll also bring 1 or 2 of those large canopies like in the past. If others have, CANOPIES, FOLDING TABLES and TABLE CLOTHS...can you please bring.
Oh and bring your own camp chair or seating equipment.
Ok i keep remembering wood will be essential. Does anyone have an abundance? I have some logs i can split and bring but not alot.
I think that's it for now.......