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  1. L

    UDS turkey gravy

    Looks like I’m doing the turkey in the UDS this year. Getting a lot of good info from the forums, so thanks to all those that have posted in the past. I’m not finding a definite answer as to gravy when smoking a turkey. Will a catch pan a shelf below the turkey catch enough juices to make...
  2. M

    Is this drum safe for a smoker?

    Hello, everyone, I'm looking to build my first UDS, and got this drum today. It used to contain water based, wax based concrete curing compound and seems to have a lining or coat of paint inside. Is this safe to use? Has anyone used something like this or seen this lining/coat?
  3. S

    Exhaust Placement on UDS and Smoker - Grill Functionality on UDS

    Hey Guys I am new here, but am planning a UDS build and have raked the internet with no real answer to this question. Where is the best placement for a UDS exhaust? I have read that the top is best as it induces the most airflow over the meat, the top side is best because it allows some smoke...
  4. S


    Saturday - 4th December 2021 - Buderim, Sunshine Coast QLD - Australia. I have been following this page religiously since 2018 and figured I was well overdue to post something finally and see if I can get some feedback on how to improve. Normally I document my cooks in a book that I have been...
  5. B

    Oak Wine Barrel Smoker for Sale

    This is a new smoker I built from an oak wine barrel formerly used for Cabernet. It uses charcoal and has a 1” ball valve for air intake. Has a 22” Weber kettle grill. Local pickup near Tucson AZ only
  6. F

    UDS Build in Seattle, WA - Plan to bury as dual fire pit

    Hello All Smokers and UDS Enthusiasts! This is my first time posting on a community, so sorry if I am breaking norms. I am looking to build a UDS to bury in my front lawn to act as a smoker/ grill/ fire pit. I live in the Columbia City district in South Seattle, WA. See attached pics for a...
  7. JustinCale70

    Brisket rubs

    Sorry if this is already posted. I tried searching and couldn’t find anything. I’m new to the group. I am building a UDS smoker this week after doing research for months. This weekend I want to smoke a brisket. I’m currently looking for a non spicy rub. I made a smoked pork loin 3 weeks ago in a...
  8. PitBossMikey

    Pineapple Bourbon glazed Baby Backs

    Well, the name says it all... Smoked 6 racks of baby backs on the UDS last night for our cookout this afternoon. I hit them with a nice savory dry rub, then sprayed them with a bourbon, pineapple juice, and Pepsi mixture after the first hour and then 45 minutes later again. Wrapped them in foil...
  9. PitBossMikey

    Blade roasts and beef ribs

    Got 3 nice blade tip roasts out of the freezer and some beef short ribs. Got them going on the UDS for the afternoon with a few chunks of mesquite. I kept the seasoning simple just some kosher salt, coarse ground black pepper, garlic powder, fresh dried basil from our herb garden. I'm thinking...
  10. RoodyPooBBQ

    Sandblasting barrels in Philly

    I got a couple of food-grade drums from a recycler, but they have the tan liner inside. Anyone in the Philly area (preferably inside the city) know where I can get these things sandblasted for a reasonable price? I've struck out with a couple of metal workers. Was going to hit up some body...
  11. duncan mcmanus

    UDS tips and unique ideas

    Hello everyone, I've been reading these forums and contemplating a UDS build of my own for a few years now. I have finally decided to go ahead with it and acquired a drum. I have a couple buddies that have done UDS builds already and like I said I have been reading these forums for a long time...
  12. bassthumb32

    Smoked wings for me and my son on a chilly day.

    My son loves smoked food and wings and he really likes when I combine them. I got some wings and let them sit in a salt vinegar and pepper solution overnight. I started my uds up this morning with his help and I put the wings on at about 230. I let them go at that temp for an hour then bumped it...
  13. HarleySmoker417

    Second ever cook video finally posted.

    so I finally got around to editing the video of my second cook and just uploaded it. please take a look and let me know what you think.
  14. HarleySmoker417

    First Cook Video

    finally got the First Cook Video edited and uploaded.
  15. HarleySmoker417

    Second video going up

    What's going on... So If you missed it before I am starting a youtube channel for Novice smokers such as myself. I am posting the second video in about an hour so please stop by and check it out. would like the feed back of the peps that have been at it for a while and Ideas for Videos are...
  16. HarleySmoker417


    I have ordered the last of the needed parts for a UDS that friend is building me for a Bday present. this will be my first serious smoker so I have a few Questions about when I get it. he is recycling the drum and burning it out three times, do I still need to season it when I get it? do you...
  17. stiggia

    Italy calls for help

    Hi I'm Stefano from Italy. I love american bbq and i built a UDS myself because is hard to find a smoker in italy and it was kinda cheap for starting smoking. I did lot of reading and research, and after some harsh time working on the gall i managed to make my UDS, i'm kinda proud of it. I used...
  18. nyc smoke

    12 Pound Turkey in my Pit Barrel Cooker in NYC

    Going to smoke a 12# tomorrow, it came brined, got it thawed and washed and dried, sitting in the fridge to air dry overnight. Going to inject with organic chix broth and melted butter, throw on a little salt and pepper, and toss a quartered onion, apple and a bunch of whole herbs in the cavity...
  19. muhkuhmuh


    Hallo 2014 kam mir die Idee diesen UDS zu bauen. Anfangs hatte ich echt viel Freude am basteln aber nach einer gewissen Zeit habe ich dann nicht mehr richtig weitergebaut. Vor 2 Monaten habe ich den UDS an einen Freund verkauft, er wird das Projekt jetzt beenden. Zur Zeit ist er eh der richtige...
  20. burgerbob

    Finally Tried Beef Short Ribs

    Earlier this year I purchased a whole purebred Red Angus with a few buddies from work so I ended up with a half of a half. I decided to have the butcher leave the short ribs for me so I could try smoking them. I also had 4 small short ribs leftover from when I decided to buy some from my local...