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  1. Mffl84

    Venison Snack Stick struggles

    Howdy all, I've got a situation with snack sticks that I need some guidance on and was hoping you all could help a first timer out! Sorry in advance for the length of this!! Deer season is approaching, so I thought I would clear out the freezer and make a batch of snack sticks. Got it all...
  2. CrazedOccultist

    My Teriyaki Jerky Recipe

    While shopping at my local thrift store a few months ago, I happened to find a brand new Cuisinart DHR-20 for about $20, still in box w/ factory seals on the power cord. After tinkering around with various sauces and spices, this is my home prepped jerky recipe(no cure in this one yet, since it...
  3. CrazedOccultist

    New to BBQ/Jerky Making in the City, any tips/tricks appreciated!

    Hello! I'm fairly new to Smoking/Curing Meat with a limited arsenal of tools in the kitchen(I only have a small propane grill, an oven and a food dehydrator), I joined the forum to mainly learn about new Jerky Marinades/easy pan/oven recipes. Let me know if you have any advice/tips! ~Crazed
  4. I

    Greetings fellas!

    Hello, not new to burning meats but i would definitely like to continue to step my game up. Currently i have a jerky project going on it i could get some direction on.... Very new to curing meats would like some experienced advice to my wet cure and time i can let it stay in the fridge before...
  5. disco

    Hawaiian Hamburger Jerky

    I don’t make a lot of ground meat jerky. It isn’t that it doesn’t taste great but it just doesn’t have the great chew of jerky from sliced meat. It is just softer and less chewy. However, I was asked how to make ground beef jerky and I haven’t made any for some time. So, here is how I make it...
  6. THutson67

    Another first: Ground beef jerky

    Tried 3 pounds of 80/20, couldn't find anything leaner around here. LEM jerky gun was pretty easy to use. Used the seasoning and cure kit that came with it. I did have to drop some grease off of it when done. Trays loaded, about 2 hours in, about 5 hours, then done at almost 7 hours. It didn't...
  7. T

    Newbie question

    So I've made jerky acouple of times before. Im not doing anything fancy mainly just ground beef with nesco original season packets. Although I've done jerk seasoning from Jamaica twice(highly recommended). So my question is what do you guys do to manage the smell during the dehydration...
  8. disco

    Thai Pork Jerky

    I love jerky. It is so handy to have as a snack while travelling, golfing or just sitting around. I have tried some Asian jerky and quite like it. In doing some reading, I found out that Thailand is known for making sun dried jerky that is extremely popular. It must be tried. In doing my...
  9. vince m

    Ground jerky

    When making ground jerky is it still 1.1 grams per pound of stuff? Even if its only soaking overnight?
  10. Magic Meat

    Cold smoking some jerky

    Got another batch of jerky in the cold smoker. Been dialing in my cold smoke time, today running 50/50 applewood and hickory chunks on a thin bed of BGE lump. Today it's raining and humid 76deg. Trying to run the smoker a little hot at about 87deg. To combat the humidity, It's tough to get this...
  11. Lonzinomaker

    Tinala’ Katne -dried beef or pork Guam style. Need recipe.

    Has anybody made Tinala' Katne? My daughter is working in Guam for the Attorney General and one of her friends gave her some jerky like meat. She told me her friend makes it and it is marinated, sliced and then dried in the sun. She didn't think it has any vinegar so I don't think it is a...
  12. B

    Horse jerky

    Does anyone here have experience with making horse meat jerky in a dehydrator? Also spice/marinade recommendations would be very much appreciated. Best regards, Rune, Denmark
  13. disco

    Char Siu Pork Jerky

    I love Char Siu Pork. I love jerky. Why not put the two together? I had to give it a try. I started with a pork loin. You want to find the leanest piece of pork you can. Trim off any surface fat and slice the pork into ¼ inch (6 mm) thick slices. I like to do this when the pork is slightly...
  14. disco

    Spicy Lime Chili Jerky

    I love jerky. I also love spicy food but it doesn’t love me. The question was, could I make a spicy jerky that walked the tightrope between spicy and pain causing? This is my effort. The first consideration was what kind of spicy? Different spices, peppers and sauces give different kind of...
  15. A

    New to jerky

    Hi everyone I am typing on the cell phone so sorry for punctuation or lack of. I know this is a smoking meat forum but at the moment I do not have the means to be able to try smoking my jerky but I just buy a dehydrator and I was hoping someone could help me with the problem of my beef jerky...
  16. G

    Reverse Engingeering Nesco Original Seasoning

    In my opinion this seasoning is right on point. It came with my nesco kit and I just began to order it. The price has gun up pretty high. Does anyone know what the recipe is. I know it has preservatives in it and such and I did read a thread about this somewhere saying walmart still carrys it...
  17. C

    Hello from Ontario Canada

    Hey there! I'm super excited to be making goose jerky today. I have the meat marinading in the fridge since Wednesday night. I am using a vertical charcoal smoker for only the second time ever. I made goose jerky once last summer and it turned out really good. I only wish I had documented...
  18. disco

    OFG Jerky

    I love jerky. It is so handy to have around for golf games, road trips or just snacking. I have been working on my jerky making and have tried several different methods and seasonings. I have finally settled on my go to base recipe and this is it. So, I have dubbed it OFG Jerky! I start with...
  19. S

    Pit Boss - over-smoked jerkey?

    i have a PitBoss series 5. I made a batch of jerky using Bear’s method (long drying process with small increases in temp). However because even the lowest temp produces smoke it resulted in an over-smoked taste (but excellent texture). How do I reduce the smoke flavour? Do I just empty the...
  20. J

    Best Smoker For Large Batches Of Jerky?

    Hey everyone longtime lurker first time poster here! I am trying to find a smoker that can make large batches of jerky at a time. I'm currently able to fit about 3lbs (before drying) in my smoker but I am about to start selling my jerky at farmers markets and what not and need...