Brine or no brine, inject or no inject, marinade or not to marinate, all are simply ways to modify the flavor of the chicken.
I am a proponent of learning to drive properly before adding larger tires, better exhausts, 4 barrels, NOX systems.
If you can deliver a beautifully cooked chicken then you can adventure into the world of modifiers. Know the taste of a properly smoked nekkid bird first. If you do not start with a solid foundation, how can you ever know what each modification truly brings to the table? If you can not perfect the plain bird, how do you know if you perfect the modified bird?
The Nekkid Chicken (which is never truly perfected)
You can not appreciate Geometry until you have understood arithmetic. Learn the bird first. It only takes a couple of smokes, its not hard, then look at your modifiers. You'll of course have to try the modifiers but afterwards, you may find that the chicken tastes awfully good as a chicken. Maybe even how to make crisp skin with an electric and no other help.
There is a lifetime of enjoyment to learning and honing your skills, don't expect a drivers license then to drive at the Grand Prix of Monaco.