Same question here. Saw both of those smokers on sale on a deal site, started doing more research (on this site and others) and am now convinced that I need a smoker to go with my regular grill (Weber Genesis). Only question is, which? Not to thread hijack, but I think my questions will help the OP.
Sounds like the two on sale are going to be pretty similar as far quality and featuers. Seems like neither have a lower vent, which seems important.
SQWIB, did you add a vent on your 3405GW?
I added a vent Mod on the 3405.
Was that needed?
NO not in my opinion, but it needed a needle valve mod and chip pan mod.
More importantly, do you think it's worth the extra $200 for the big block over the walmart version?
For me... A million times yes, the build quality and features on the 3405GW and the 3605BGD do not compare. they are 2 different animals and the 3605BGD is much easier to control and clean. No mods needed at ALL.
Read This
Obviously I'm new, so may not need everything the BB has, but I'm willing to invest the extra $$$ if the value is there. I don't really need all that size,
no not if you don't mind halfing your ribs, as I really won't be cooking for many, but I do like some of the extra features (better grease control, better pans, better build). Three times the price seems a bit hefty though. I'm on the fence.
The 2 smokers do the same exact thing just like a Pinto and a Cadillac they both get you to where you're going but one will give a nicer ride, same as the smokers., maybe not the best analogy but my point is you get what you pay for.
My other option is a new Traeger Lil Tex Elite on craigslist for $400 (nearly half off). I love getting a deal, and Traegers seem well loved, but they seem to have a lot of quality control issues over the last couple years.
I am not familiar with the Traegers but maybe someone can help.
Thanks for all the help. Will certainly visit role-call soon, as well as Q-View once i have my setup.