no idea what you have available in your neck of the woods, in my corner of the tropics i am limited in my selections, i have used smoker trays of hickory and mesquite from out of canada, they were ok but had to use many of them for what i was doing and for cold smoking it just wasn't great to maintain temperature for the tray to work it would drive up the temperature of the smoker to a place i didnt like. Recently i found a source of charbroil wood chunks, they were massive chunks and i cut them up to maybe six or eight smaller pieces, I was limited to apple wood or mesquite, they also have some whiskey barrel and tabasco chips, The chunks were awesome, i started a small fire in the corner of my smoker then stacked the smaller chunks on top and along the front of my firepan, four chunks lasted me eight hours that way, my smoker is a simple setup, 6 feet tall, witha door that has a four inch opening at the bottom for a firepan. no holes drilled in the sides to limit the amount of air as i do much cold smoking. i lose about half the smoke i create probably by having the pan pulled out a little, but it keeps my temperature under 90 degrees, and i live in the tropics so thats a tradeoff i can manage. As for the whiskey barrel and tabasco chips, i used the tabasco chips yesterday to smoke some ribs at high heat. smoke flavor for a one hour cook and smoke was good, just didnt really get much of a tabasco hit like i was hoping. Anyway, am sure the others advice is better to suit your needs, i just thought i would share my experience. happy smoking...