I have searched SMF from one end to the other looking for a COUNTRY (COLD) SMOKED BREAKFAST SAUSAGE thread, haven't found one yet so this could be the first one!! If there is one please let me know. I did see some different kinds of sausage being fermenting not talking about those.
I have talked with two experienced guys one a farmer the other a butcher here in town that sells as much as they can make of this sausage, and both use pretty much the same recipe I listed with their own mods, but NITHER one even knows what cure#1 is, much less use it in their sausage making at low temps!! You know I will be using it!!
Here is the recipe I am using to make the cold smoked sausage.
12lb 14oz.................total meat block
11lbs........................pork butt
1lbs-14oz........................pork fat
Cure #1....................2 tsp
Kosher salt..............11 tsp
Sage, Rubbed..........9 3/4 tsp
Crushed red pepper.....6 1/2 tsp
SPC.........................1/2 C
Dextrose..................1 TBL (optional)
Distilled water...........2 C
Ground thru lg plate
Mixed all ingredients listed in recipe 3 to 4 min in meat block
Ground thru sm plate then Stuffed in 2 lb cloth bags
Let sit in fridge overnite
Hung in smoker
Smoking with hickory, maple & cherry pellets
Here's the start of the smoke, didn't go thru the grinding, etc. because there are hundreds of those threads. It's 9:30 am 32* outside, with meat temp 46* the smokehouse is 74*
My heat source is a single burner hot plate on low.
Basically this is a standard sausage making process except I will be cold smoking for approx 3 days in the 50-70deg smoker range. I am documenting all the temps going on such as ambient, smoke chamber and meat.
So far here are the results.
9:30am 32deg ambient (top temp is meat bottom smoke chamber)
9:40am still 32*
11:15 ambient 37*
12:30pm 46* ambient
Later with progress report
I have talked with two experienced guys one a farmer the other a butcher here in town that sells as much as they can make of this sausage, and both use pretty much the same recipe I listed with their own mods, but NITHER one even knows what cure#1 is, much less use it in their sausage making at low temps!! You know I will be using it!!
Here is the recipe I am using to make the cold smoked sausage.
12lb 14oz.................total meat block
11lbs........................pork butt
1lbs-14oz........................pork fat
Cure #1....................2 tsp
Kosher salt..............11 tsp
Sage, Rubbed..........9 3/4 tsp
Crushed red pepper.....6 1/2 tsp
SPC.........................1/2 C
Dextrose..................1 TBL (optional)
Distilled water...........2 C
Ground thru lg plate
Mixed all ingredients listed in recipe 3 to 4 min in meat block
Ground thru sm plate then Stuffed in 2 lb cloth bags
Let sit in fridge overnite
Hung in smoker
Smoking with hickory, maple & cherry pellets
Here's the start of the smoke, didn't go thru the grinding, etc. because there are hundreds of those threads. It's 9:30 am 32* outside, with meat temp 46* the smokehouse is 74*
My heat source is a single burner hot plate on low.
Basically this is a standard sausage making process except I will be cold smoking for approx 3 days in the 50-70deg smoker range. I am documenting all the temps going on such as ambient, smoke chamber and meat.
So far here are the results.
9:30am 32deg ambient (top temp is meat bottom smoke chamber)
9:40am still 32*
11:15 ambient 37*
12:30pm 46* ambient
Later with progress report
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