So I'm thinking of cheating a bit on my turkey. My horizontal offset does not get much above 230° in the main cooking chamber (on a non-windy, cold day). So to smoke a 15 lb. bird on a cold day is probably gonna take 8-10 hours. My thought was to pull the tuning plates out of my smoker, and smoke the turkey over the hottest part for about 2 hours (it will be brined
), then pull it from the smoker and pop it into the oven at 350° for another 2 or 3 hrs.
I am hoping to end up with a nice subtle smokey flavor, and brown crisp skin. Any comments, suggestions, ideas, smart a$$ remarks....
I am hoping to end up with a nice subtle smokey flavor, and brown crisp skin. Any comments, suggestions, ideas, smart a$$ remarks....