So when do you admit you have a problem?

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Mine looks the same way. Think about it. When the zombie apocalypse comes those on SMF will be the ones eating well. I have a smoker, over a cord of wood and over 100 lbs of meat. I will survive it. I better go out to get more, just in case.
Left to my own devices...mine would look the same. My wife keeps me in check...most of the time. But I see beef on sale and I just want to load up.
Nice haul there, Steve. I'm always on the lookout for a deal and will buy larger quantities to put in the freezer. Long run that saves me a lot of money, when I want to cook something and I don't have to run to the store and pay the regular price...

I didn't even know the loins were on sale. 35 pounds for 40.00 was a no brainer. Thankfully Ann knows a deal when it presents itself.
With all the fishing the wife and I do, we can't help but keep garage freezers #1 and #2 full. Rotating inventory is always a fun thing to do. Brrrrrrrr.

#1 with Salmon, albacore, Dungeness crab, lemon cubes, etc. And we're going out tomorrow for more crab? WTF !?! (Where's The Fish) :emoji_sunglasses:

#2 which houses our rock cod, ling cod, Halibut and whatever.

My Acu.Rite temp meter keeping an eye.......or ear on the freezers temps

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This is what I use
I will be ordering. Thanks

With all the fishing the wife and I do, we can't help but keep garage freezers #1 and #2 full. Rotating inventory is always a fun thing to do. Brrrrrrrr.

#1 with Salmon, albacore, Dungeness crab, lemon cubes, etc. And we're going out tomorrow for more crab? WTF !?! (Where's The Fish) :emoji_sunglasses:
I want to move in with you!..Been long time since had any kind of crab $$$. I love fish and seafood.
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Just found out my FIL was given a brand new chest freezer (he lives a mile away) He even put an electrical outlet next to it in the garage (retired Local 3 Electrician). He only lives in NY 6 months of the year and eats out 2 out of 3 meals a day. I just got a new storage freezer to fill...time to hit up restaurant depot and buy 40lbs of chicken beast for .89/lb and some tri-tips! Brian I need to get that app.
Hahahaha, so familiar!
My garage freezer crapped out during a hot spell last summer, and since I only have 3 large coolers, I had to make a Sofie's choice about what to keep and what to throw away, while I hunted for a new one, pronto. (Hint, most of my wife's frozen diet crap went into the latter category.)
Anyway, when a store has pork butt on sale for $.99 lb, or whole chickens for $.88 lb, what are you supposed to do? Walk away? Forget it. My problem is when I visit my local Restaurant Depot or Business Costco and see the case prices. I once got some boneless chicken thigh meat for $.48 lb. at RD. Problem was, it came in a 40 lb box.
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Point for your organization skills Brian. :emoji_thumbsup:

I live alone, too and in just 600 square feet. I have to pass up deals regularly but it's never easy and doesn't get easier with time.
My canned goods is a whole different story. Run out of places to stash them!
My Son works at a Grocery store . I catch him " shrinking out " my pantry all the time .
I have a good stock in there , but he goes thru and date checks everything , and starts tossing it .
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I admit I have a problem, especially over the last 2 months.
We have a chest freezer packed to the top. Digging around for stuff, I take stuff out and put it on a shelf, or even on the floor. I find what I'm looking for, close the freezer door and walk away. The next day, the wife walks out into the garage and says, wow, it really stinks.
I've spoiled over $200 of meat in the last 2 months doing that. I have to find a better way.
Lately, I don't pull anything out of the freezer, just pile it to one side, then the other until I find what I'm looking for.
There is the main reason I will never have a chest freezer. I can guaranty you that the chances of whatever I want being at the very bottom are at, or near 100%
I was told once to buy a stand up freezer no matter what. I could have bought a chest freezer 3 times the size of my standup freezer for about the same money. I would not change my decision one bit now. Plus I needed a smaller stand up freezer so it's perfect!

I never guess at whats in mine hahaha
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