Smoked Beef Back Ribs

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Gonna Smoke

Smoking Guru
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Sep 19, 2018
South Carolina
Back before Christmas, Publix ran bone-in rib roast, AKA Prime Rib, on sale. I purchased a few to cut into steaks for the freezer. I removed the ribs and vacuum sealed them for the freezer. I took out 2 racks to smoke on my Ok Joe Highland since I can lift the lid on it right now.

So here we go...

Two 4 bone racks of beef back ribs...

One rack was seasoned with Heath Riles Honey Chipotle and the other with my concoction. The Heath Riles was a Christmas gift and has a little heat to it right out of the shaker. I was curious how it would be smoked...

On the smoker running around 250℉ with White Oak...

About 5 hours later they probed tender, even though they had very little pull back, and were around 200℉ so time to pull...

Sides were simple, steamed broccoli and shredded cheese, my 6 year old granddaughter's favorite, and simple homemade mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy I made. Time to eat...

A couple of things were wrong with this. The ribs could've easily gone longer as they were definitely not FOTB tender. I put the broccoli in the steamer and a friend stopped by and got me distracted, the broccoli was overcooked but that didn't stop anyone from eating it. I should have made a cheese sauce instead of just shredded cheese. I have more ribs so I'll get a chance to make it better, hopefully. As for the Heath Riles Honey Chipotle, the smoked ribs were not spicy at all, pretty good actually. Will work well with pork ribs.

Physical therapy has been rough, but things are improving. No pain, no gain I guess. Felt good to be back smoking again even if it wasn't on my big offset, but that will come soon enough, or so they tell me. More important is getting back out on my boat fishing...:emoji_wink:🤣
Looks really good Charles.

Point for sure
👍👍👍 All day long. Beef back ribs are a slippery slope. Some are meatier and some have bone shine. During butchering, on one side of the knife is a $20/pound prime rib, on the other is a rack of ribs, so it's easy to see why they favor the money.
Those look very tasty to me. I personally don't like PR beef ribs fall off the bone and yours look like they have the "bite" I really like! Nice work and I think everyone that has ever cooked broccoli has looked away for 5 seconds only to find them go from firm to mush.....LOL Still looks tasty!
Ribs look top notch and the sides tasty too! Nice meal Charles, very nice!

BTW, your Granddaughter has good taste in sides… one of my favs is broccoli as well!
Looks so awesome!! Not fair seeing this as haven't had supper yet tonight because of attending a bbgame.
Awesome return smoke! I’ve been through those shoulder surgeries, no fun, but it was worth it. Looks like you’re ready to hit on all cylinders soon!
They sure look good. Never did beef ribs where they did not pull back quite a bit. I with you on PT. Had both shoulders done and man did they hurt my. I had to get rid of one girl as I was sure she was going to tear it again.
Beautiful looking ribs and a fantastic looking plate. Sorry to hear about the woes but they don't come across in the pics so I'm giving you an A+++ for this one :emoji_laughing:

As others have said I wouldnt turn down the plate. Looks good to me. And glad to see that your are slowly getting back into. Go easy on the shoulder.

Beautiful plate of food Charles! Glad your shoulder is improving...don't envy you on the PT at all. I bought a bone in prime rib around the holidays and removed the ribs...yes, I'm a softie...dogs sure loved them!

Beef back ribs are the best, IMO, especially if you can cut the bones off yourself. I've been known to slice the bones off a standing rib roast and throw both on the smoker at the same time. But I really prefer back ribs grilled; something about how the fat renders over fire. But your smoke ring looks fantastic.
I think everyone that has ever cooked broccoli has looked away for 5 seconds only to find them go from firm to mush.....LOL Still looks tasty!
Sheet pan veggies in the oven are awfully good. Clean up is easy and when you cook something like carrots they can bake for15 or 20 minutes, then you can add softer things like zucchini to the same pan.
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Looks fantastic Charles!
We usually just grill the bones until they are med rare.
Never have tried them well done, but maybe next time!
I bet the flavor was killer!
Sheet pan veggies in the oven are awfully good. Clean up is easy and when you cook something like carrots they can bake for15 or 20 minutes, then you can add softer things like zucchini to the same pan.
I do sheet pan carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, but haven't done broccoli (done broccolini though). I usually, blanch broccoli for 3 min then pan season them till done. is reader supported and as an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases.

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