Not to be contrary or argumentative but the style of switch you linked too is not going to work... I learned this lesson the hard way in the past lol. :D
The one in the following link will work. It's 175C/347F limit.
Notice the face and fastening collar/plate are one piece of metal.
JC in GB , the one you linked too has a 2 piece metal face and fastening collar/plate. The 2 piece style causes the button face of the switch to move in/out of the insulation and leaves a gap where smoke will get into the insulation/body of the smoker.
At a glance it's hard to notice the difference. I am scarred for life learning the hard way about the difference in the 2 styles, so I eyeball the crap out of the pictures to know which is the correct style hahaha :D
Also this one is ceramic so it may hold up longer and you get 8 pieces just in case one wears out or breaks. They can be a little delicate at times and can tear up was you try to install.
I hope this info helps :)
Thanks for that information. That is a better choice than what I was suggesting. I was unaware that this would cause an issue. This forum is so very helpful.