auber pid settings

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  1. A

    Step by Step Guide to Calibrate PID Settings

    Recently, I’ve installed an Auber AW-1520H PID controller to my SmokinTex PRO 1400 model smoker. This model of smoker comes with a manual thermostat base temperature controller which makes it a great candidate to upgrade with a PID controller. Due to the simplicity of the smoker’s system, it...
  2. tallbm

    Setting Auber PID Temp, Time, and Other Values

    This has come up numerous times so I figured I would try and write a simple "how to" for doing Auber PID time, temp, and P-I-D settings. Auber makes a great PID, however their documentation and instructions are technical and also likely written by someone that isn't very strong with organized...
  3. denny

    Questions on SMD200a settings, best wood pellets, pellets vs chips

    I have a MES 40S with a mail-box and amnps maze tray set up and an Auber SMD200A PID. Have been using it for about 2 years or so and been very happy. Long enough for new developments, practices and ideas to appear that I quite likely haven't heard about; possibly because I don't visit here...