With our streak of poor weekend weather staying intact i decided to smoke up a rack of spares and three pork steaks. The ribs were a 4.5 lb rack that i removed the flap and the membrane. After this was done i applied my sweet and sassy dry rub.
The rack after a quick trimming.
Rubbed up and ready for the smoker.
Wanting to try something different i stopped at the butcher shop to pick up some country style ribs. He didn't have any cut in the case so i picked up a few pork steak he had on sale for $1.09 a lb.
Pork steaks are just Boston butts cut on the saw to any thickness you like. These three combined, weighed in at 3.2 lbs. so they are around a lb. each. I rinsed them off then put my rub on one side.
Rubbed and ready for smoker. The smoker was preheated to 225 and ready for the pork. For this smoke i used hickory and cherry. The ribs were done with the basic 3 2 1 method.
After searching the site trying to find the correct method for pork steaks...every thread had a different way to cook these so i had to go out on my own and try my own method. This i really have to share because these were some of the tastiest..juiciest pieces of meat to every come off my smoker. The method was simple but worked really well. I smoked the pork steaks for 2 hours at 225. Then i put them in a covered foil pan with a splash of apple juice returning to the smoker for 1 hour. When i removed from the pan i returned to the smoker for 15 minutes to dry a bit and they were done.
Ribs and steaks at the two hour mark. The steaks came out to go to the foil pan now.
Pork steaks at 2 hours ready for foil.
The ribs rode right along and everything went as planned. I removed the pork steaks after their smoke. Seeing they were done 2 hours earlier than the ribs i had to try one right away.
Pork steaks out of the smoker...ready for quick afternoon snack.
Time for the ribs to come out of the smoker now...it's dinner time.
Give me a knife it's time to cut these bad boys.
The ribs were very good but the surprise of the day was those pork steaks!!!
Dinner time..a few ribs slaw and potatoes.
Thanks for checking out my Q-View and it is amazing how a good plate of que can change those rainy day blues.
Wanting to try something different i stopped at the butcher shop to pick up some country style ribs. He didn't have any cut in the case so i picked up a few pork steak he had on sale for $1.09 a lb.
After searching the site trying to find the correct method for pork steaks...every thread had a different way to cook these so i had to go out on my own and try my own method. This i really have to share because these were some of the tastiest..juiciest pieces of meat to every come off my smoker. The method was simple but worked really well. I smoked the pork steaks for 2 hours at 225. Then i put them in a covered foil pan with a splash of apple juice returning to the smoker for 1 hour. When i removed from the pan i returned to the smoker for 15 minutes to dry a bit and they were done.
The ribs rode right along and everything went as planned. I removed the pork steaks after their smoke. Seeing they were done 2 hours earlier than the ribs i had to try one right away.
Time for the ribs to come out of the smoker now...it's dinner time.
Thanks for checking out my Q-View and it is amazing how a good plate of que can change those rainy day blues.