I go into work early so that I can have the afternoons to get stuff done around the house before anyone else gets home. Usually I will grocery shop in the mornings too. The Grocery store is a block from my work and hitting it on my way in allows me to avoid the masses. The down fall to this is the departments are not staffed. I saw that the store had chuck roasts on sale for $4.99/pound ($9.99 regular price). I went to the meat department and it looked like they had a good stock of Chuckies to choose from. Out of the 15 or so there only two were marked as chuck roasts. The rest were marked as Chuck Steak roasts. Same damn cut, on difference other than the labeling. The two "Chuck roasts" were small and didn't look great, nothing I'd buy. The "Chuck Steak Roasts" looked like what a chuck roast should look like. Of course the "Chuck Steak Roasts" were marked at $9.99 and since the butcher wasn't in yet, there was no way to argue the fact that they were in fact chuck roasts. So no bargain Chuckies for me today! Average weight on these was 4-4 1/2 pounds. Can anyone fathom paying $40-$50 for a Chuck roast??? Ughhhh.