Congrats to you. Like most of us, the rub, the recipes, the opinion of smokers, the cooking temps, and most everything here are a conglomerate of starting points for you to fine tune from. I would be surprised if anyone who smoked something using exactly what was posted on this site tried to do the exact same thing the second smoke of the same item. We are always fine tuning. How ever, the starting points of
Jeff's Rub, Sauce, recomendations of a smoker, what wood to use, finish temperature, etc. for me at least, were far better than my hit and miss smokes I had done in the past.
This site is a trememdous wealth of information. Now, do you like heavy smoke like we do? Do you like a hot bite to your sauce? Do you want your pulled pork a little chewy, or mushy? After reading and practicing I had a great starting point to avoid just taking if off the smoker and hoping it would be what I was intending. Now can adjust with quite a bit of proficency to achieve what I would like for each smoke.
We used a different brand of paprika one time, different taste. Used different hickory chips one time, different taste. One 9lb prok butt reached desired temp in 19 hrs. Next 9lb one in exact same conditions, 24 hours. We are not making iced tea here, we have a lot of variables. The most important thing you want to remember, do not diviate so far from the norm that you can not stand to eat your mistakes.
Who has the best smoked BBQ in town? The one that fits YOUR taste buds the best. Did I mention I have different tastes at times? Thinking about adding a little pecan to my next smoke.
Good luck to you and your smoking, and I would suspect Jeff appreciates a couple dollars to help keep this site up and going also. The way I look at it is that I would have almost ruined way more meat than the little donation I gave for his recieps and the tremendous amount of information here if I had not found this site. A couple dollars donation has been well worth while.
Like my old H2 Kawasaki, if it ain't smoken, its broken.