Putting this in GD because it's a mixed bag of goodies.
Never really cared fr meatloaf growing up. That's because my mother just was not a very creative cook: ground beef shaped into a football and slathered with ketchup. Several years ago on one of our many motorcycle trips we stopped at a little country diner way out in the middle of nowhere for lunch. Somebody at the table next to us ordered meatloaf and it looked fantastic so I ordered it, along with mashed taters, gravy, and fried okra. It was outstanding!! Since then I've tried a few times making them and always came away disappointed. I just didn't seem to be able to get one anywhere close to what I wanted. Tried again a couple days ago and finally hit pay dirt.
The loaf: 1 pound 85/15 ground beef, 1/2 pound homemade spicy Italian sausage, 1 egg, bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, oregano, salt, pepper, diced onions and celery.
Lightly brushed with a glaze and a heavy does of black pepper. Glaze was just a modified version of Jeff's sauce mixed with some beef broth
Onto the smoker at 225 running hickory
TBS battling the storm clouds
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours and another light coat of the glaze. Almost done at this point
While the meatloaf was cooking I made a batch of beef gravy
And a nice salad with assorted veggies
3 hours 20 minutes and the meatloaf is done
Sliced. Moist, juicy, tender and a nice hint of that elusive smoke ring
Plated with homemade garlic mashed potatoes, salad, and gravy. Time to head out to the patio. This one called for seconds....and thirds.
Close up of the loaf. I'm finally happy with one.
This was fantastic. Without doubt the best I've ever cooked and possibly the best I've ever eaten. Tracy said it was her best ever so I'll take that. I was a bit confused why this one came out so much better than any previous attempts. It was Tracy that enlightened me on why that might have been. Only having done a few of these and not having much experience with them, I've always tried somebody else's recipe. This time I just made it up as I went and shot from the hip. Not taking anything away from anybody else, but this was made the way we like it. As great as the meatloaf was though, the taters and gravy were the star of the show for me.....but I could eat taters and gravy at every meal and never get tired of it. Well, I know this isn't anything spectacular but it felt good to finally nail one and truly enjoy the meatloaf, as well as the rest of the meal.
Y'all take care and happy 4th of July to everybody!! Be safe, cook lots, and remember to stay hydrated while doing all that cooking
Never really cared fr meatloaf growing up. That's because my mother just was not a very creative cook: ground beef shaped into a football and slathered with ketchup. Several years ago on one of our many motorcycle trips we stopped at a little country diner way out in the middle of nowhere for lunch. Somebody at the table next to us ordered meatloaf and it looked fantastic so I ordered it, along with mashed taters, gravy, and fried okra. It was outstanding!! Since then I've tried a few times making them and always came away disappointed. I just didn't seem to be able to get one anywhere close to what I wanted. Tried again a couple days ago and finally hit pay dirt.
The loaf: 1 pound 85/15 ground beef, 1/2 pound homemade spicy Italian sausage, 1 egg, bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, garlic powder, oregano, salt, pepper, diced onions and celery.
Lightly brushed with a glaze and a heavy does of black pepper. Glaze was just a modified version of Jeff's sauce mixed with some beef broth
Onto the smoker at 225 running hickory
TBS battling the storm clouds
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours and another light coat of the glaze. Almost done at this point
While the meatloaf was cooking I made a batch of beef gravy
And a nice salad with assorted veggies
3 hours 20 minutes and the meatloaf is done
Sliced. Moist, juicy, tender and a nice hint of that elusive smoke ring
Plated with homemade garlic mashed potatoes, salad, and gravy. Time to head out to the patio. This one called for seconds....and thirds.
Close up of the loaf. I'm finally happy with one.
This was fantastic. Without doubt the best I've ever cooked and possibly the best I've ever eaten. Tracy said it was her best ever so I'll take that. I was a bit confused why this one came out so much better than any previous attempts. It was Tracy that enlightened me on why that might have been. Only having done a few of these and not having much experience with them, I've always tried somebody else's recipe. This time I just made it up as I went and shot from the hip. Not taking anything away from anybody else, but this was made the way we like it. As great as the meatloaf was though, the taters and gravy were the star of the show for me.....but I could eat taters and gravy at every meal and never get tired of it. Well, I know this isn't anything spectacular but it felt good to finally nail one and truly enjoy the meatloaf, as well as the rest of the meal.
Y'all take care and happy 4th of July to everybody!! Be safe, cook lots, and remember to stay hydrated while doing all that cooking