Sam , it's good . The actually recipe had some kind of brown sugar glaze on it . I bet fried up it would make good Salisbury steak . Thanks bud .Looks fantastic!
Try it . You're buying the chicken ground ? Make sure you get the dark meat grind .Yes, looks great. I'm trying to eat mere chicken, not really a fan. I have been making meatloaf with 1/2 the meat as ground chicken and it comes out very good. I'll have to give just chicken a go, this looks awesome, thanks.
Use the oats . Quick oats or old fashioned . If you use the old fashioned chop them up some .
Thanks for the comments .
Thanks Norm .That looks awesome Rich.
This was 2 of the other gals . Julia and Becky . It was actually turkey .Been binging ATK the last couple of nights. Wasn't that a recipe Brigette Lancaster did?
Thanks Ray . Be great for meatballs .A perfect plate and a well explained recipe, nice work!
Hmmm . Mine's been a solid workhorse . Makes sure all the plates are seated and the collar is tight . If it's in a bind after grinding , run it in reverse first .I got that exact same grinder for Xmas this year, old one got too heavy for me to be lifting. Used only one time, I had to take a rubber mallet to the lever that locks the throat in place. RAY